The Prospect of UMNO Under Najib

Najib Razak, Sharizat Jalil and Khairy Jamaluddin are going to form the leadership backbone for UMNO. Can their leadership provide a new impetus for the party's revival? Can UMNO help to…

The Malaysian Mystery of ValueCap

Are Kuala Lumpur's rent-seekers raiding the public purse again?The Valuecap controversy has thrown the government onto the defensive at a time when it is under attack on a number of fronts,…

A Moody Gathering

The past assemblies were carnivals and occasions for celebration, in which delegates entered the auditorium in high spirit. Not this time. The 2008 general assembly is more like an occasion for…

The analogy of 1970

By Liew Chin Tong, The Malaysian InsiderA bloodless coup d'etat in Perak, a ban on Harakah and Suara Keadilan, police breaking up pre-election ceramahs with brute force, and legal cases brought…

We should all come clean

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Yesterday I gave an interview to Sarah Stewart, the Bureau Chief of AFP. Among the questions she asked me was the unavoidable question about the international scandal linking…


Pemodal pemodal antara bangsa di Bursa Saham Wall Street dan City of London tidak akan membenarkan Pak Tani dan Buruh Kilang mengubah cara urus niaga ini. Mereka menyediakan mandor-mador yang ganas…

In case you no Parlez Francais

Oolala! The online version of the Liberation article on Najib actually has more detail than the print version ( Please note the…