Here are some links:Arms deal link to death of model - TIMES ONLINE UKArms deal scam: Death of model rocks Malaysia - The Times of IndiaMurder of 'Far Eastern Mata Hari' linked to…

Demokrasi sedang dikuburkan

Semalam ceramah Anwar Ibrahim di Bukit Selambau ditembak gas pemedih mata. Ceramah tersebut telah bertukar menjadi adegan kejar mengejar diantara politik dan hadirin. Klik disini untuk membaca berita…

Dr M’s remarks baseless

'I am commenting based on my observation that what Dr Mahathir is alleging, that the Chinese community, in particular Chinese educationists, are blocking the government's efforts at racial…

The return of the reluctant politician

Who is the reluctant politician?In a post in November, 2007, I suggested that such a person “has what it takes, who doesn’t want to get into Parliament, but gets in out of love for his…

Najib the best person?

A close friend of Mr Najib's was tried for abetting her murder but was acquitted, and two policemen are awaiting a verdict after being tried.Associated Press