PAS men slam unrepentant Abdul Aziz

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider PAS delegates slammed Dr Abdul Aziz Bari for criticising the party leadership but the UIA law professor remained unrepentant, arguing that his criticism was…

Why we need immigrants

(The Straits Times) - SINGAPORE will go the way of the dinosaurs, without the influx of permanent residents and new citizens, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong warned on Saturday night.

Is justice all about technicalities?

By P. Ramakrishnan (Aliran President)It appears that the Opposition can only win Round 1! Whether it is the Kampung Buah Pala case, or Nizar’s case involving the Perak crisis or Anwar’s case with…

The skill of lying by Ong Tee Keat

By teekeatexposedOng Tee Keat said in an interview published by Bernama that he is willing to accept Liow Tiong Lai for the sake of the party. How magnanimous of him. He also claimed that he had tried…

MACC probes Kelantan state company

(The Star) - Kelantan Mentri Besar Incorporated (PMBK) chief executive officer Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman is prepared to cooperate with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s investigation into the…

Fallacies, Fools and Facts

By MasterwordsmithWhat do you see when you enter a news portal in cyberspace? We are faced with an onslaught of headlines deriding the folly of political leaders as demonstrated in their actions or…

It Is Really Easy To Explain

By batsman  For the sake of friendly argument and having some idle time, I wish to take up RPK’s challenge that religions have difficulty explaining why they miscalculated the birth of the world…

On Coalitions and Cooks

By batsmanMalaysians actually have lots of experience with coalition government. For 52 years, we were ruled by the BN coalition so we can claim to have lots of experience. Unfortunately, it was 52…

Hard questions for religion to answer

Religion and science have always been at odds with each other. Religion says science can't prove that God does not exist. Science says religion can't prove that God does. Another thing that science…

Cooperation and competition

Meanwhile, Pakatan Rakyat should as well demonstrate a willingness to cooperate, including not using too strong words to criticise the federal government and enhance communication through Parliament…

Of racist remarks and Umno leaders

And the worrying thing is it’s not just “one or two leaders” who are making such remarks. Take a listen to speeches made at the Umno general assemblies year in year out and you get the picture. By…

Collective political amnesia

It turned out that some people sometimes will suddenly lose their shrewd ability to judge, and simply approve a project involving millions of ringgit. And then, they will somehow collectively suffer…

Dr M defends protection for Proton

(Malaysian Mirror) - Dr Mahathir Mohamad has come out in defence of the protectionist policies accorded to national automaker Proton, saying the government was emulating other vehicle manufacturing…

Skandal PKFZ: Bekas PM diheret masuk

Neo Chee Hua, Merdeka ReviewKedua-dua bekas Perdana Menteri, Mahathir Mohamad dan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi diheret ke dalam skandal Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang (PKFZ), apabila mereka didakwa mengetahui apa…