A chance to undo mistakes

It may have snatched back Perak from the Pakatan Rakyat but with so much resentment on the ground, no one can predict the fate of the Barisan in the next elections. By WONG CHUN WAI, The Star

New game of the Umno rising sons

According to Akramsyah Sanusi, the son of former Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, having a well-known father means that people will easily remember his name. By SA’ODAH ELIAS, The…

Calling For A New Breed of Politicians

Book review: Saifuddin Abdullah: Politik Baru: Mematangkan Demokrasi Malaysia. English version: New Politics: Towards A Mature Malaysian Democracy. Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,…

Against a unity government

It is very clear that a pattern is being recycled over and over again, abusing the mantra of unity government or Malay unity whenever the axis of power is seen to be drifting away from Umno-BN towards…

What if?

What if the Agong decides to do a “stunner” and rejects Mohd Najib Tun Razak as the candidate for the post of the Malaysian Prime Minister even though he won the UMNO elections…

The RM60 billion Package

Are we on the right track when the so-called 'mini budget' was presented in parliament.recently. It does not even excite a layman like me with no training in economics. Does the DPM/Minister…

Dr Mahathir’s Chloroform

Mahathir's relentless manoeuvring to have Najib replace Abdullah Badawi as the Prime Minister through the past four tenacious years is nearing fruition. All he needs now is another two weeks to…