Chow Kit

Tengku Razaleigh HamzahI have fallen a little behind with my blog. People have been asking me what I think of the so-called Second Stimulus Package. What I have to say about it can wait a little while…

Change Is Inevitable

Sadly, over the past twelve months Umno has not shown itself either ready or willing to face up to its myriad challenges. Indeed the party's substandard performance in the two by-elections -…

Dr M says Perak grab unlawful

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider More than a month after Barisan Nasional ousted Pakatan Rakyat from Perak, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said the takeover was not done…

Umno needs restoration from within

(The Malaysian Insider) - Umno needs to undertake a restoration process within the party if it wants to remain the platform for the struggle of Malay interests.

Saiful enggan ulas video liwat

(Utusan Online) - Bekas pembantu Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan hari ini enggan mengulas mengenai penyebaran video insiden liwat membabitkan dirinya yang dikatakan…