Well as I said earlier, teaching Maths and Science in English will not improve the level of English but it is the easiest way to make students used to English without all the grammar hindrance. It is…
Hj Ramlee Dua, Kadayan JournalThis issue of ALLAH being monopolised by Islam and Muslims is testimony to the poor understanding by some Malays of the world around them.
The 1 name which was speculated to be the candidate for BN-PRS seems not to have the seal of approval from “PEK MOH” CM Taib State Barisan Chairman. Could this just be a trap or…
(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Backbenchers from Sabah and Sarawak made it known in Parliament yesterday that they were unhappy that most of the development funds promised to them had yet to reach their states. !--start>…
Comment by WONG CHUN WAI (The Star)The Government has thrown a RM60bil lifeline for the country to try and prevent it from slipping into a recession. But with the world economic climate looking more…
(The Straits Times) – With seemingly no obstacles in his way, the handover of the prime ministership to Datuk Seri Najib Razak should have been smooth sailing.
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Najib Razak has announced an unprecedented RM60 billion economic stimulus to counter the economic downturn. The sum is impressive but the devil is in the…
The Federal Constitution merely states that the Agong shall appoint the Prime Minister from amongst a Member of the House who, in Tuanku’s opinion, commands the confidence of the majority of the…
(Hrkh) - Banyak pihak percaya tarikh peralihan kuasa di antara Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Dato' Seri Najib Razak berganjak daripada tarikh asal memandang banyak isu besar…
(Bernama) -- Perak State Legislative Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar has sought a judicial review against three independent assemblymen and the Election Commission (EC).
(Hrkh) - Prinsip yang paling penting untuk mencapai sebuah negara yang maju ialah prinsip demokrasi dengan pandangan rakyat perlu diutamakan dalam menetukan hala tuju sesebuah negara.
(Bernama) -- It is the judiciary's policy to keep quiet and not make comments on controversial issues that attack the institution, Chief Registrar of the Federal Court Hasnah Mohammed Hashim said…
Is it so incomprehensible to urbanites that the majority of rural children don’t speak English at home? That the people around them don’t speak English? That even their older brothers and…
The High Court here Tuesday pronounced four constitutional questions to be determined by the Federal Court in the legal battle between Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul…
TIGA jam sebelum Menteri Kewangan, Mohd Najib Razak membentangkan bajet mininya di Parlimen jam 4:00 petang ini, berlangsung satu peristiwa diluar jangka yang penuh tandatanya, iaini Perdana Menteri,…
By Wong Choon Mei, Suara keADILan Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has unveiled a RM60 billion mini-budget that straddles a two-year period between 2009 and 2010, aimed at keeping recession at…
(Suara kEADILan) - The Selangor Sultan advised that democracy was the most important principle because it allowed the people to take charge of their own destiny.
(Suara keADILan) - SETELAH selesai perbicaraan di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta, Ketua Umum Anwar Ibrahim bersama dengan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah bertemu di Hulu Langat tengah hari…
(The Star) - Hindraf leader P. Uthayakumar’s appeal on his second habeas corpus application to secure his release from detention under the Internal Security Act was thrown out by the Federal…
In a report released Sunday, the World Bank predicted that the global economy would shrink in 2009 for the first time in more than half a century and forecast that global trade would decline for the…
(Bernama) -- The Raja Muda of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail has urged Muslims not to be overwhelmed with predilections and emotions as they were the reasons behind the confusion in…
I have written about this topic on Navel Gazing no less than twice, I think. And now, as it the issue has transformed itself into a full blown political one, complete with a demonstration and the…
Moreover, Mr. Najib brings to the job much political baggage. In particular there is the case involving an adviser to Mr. Najib of a Mongolian woman who was shot and blown up with specialized C4…
by Tan Yi Liang, The Sun Doctors must always be objective when conducting examinations and not be influenced by any authority, Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) president Datuk Khoo Kah…
By Neville Spykerman and Asrul Hadi Abdulalh Sani, The Malaysian Insider Selangor is making good on its promise to make public the assets of all executive councilors (Exco) members.
Tan Yi Liang, The Sun The government's response against protesters calling for the abolition of the teaching of science and mathematics in English, "shows it is silencing public criticism…