Is unity govt the way forward?

Unhappiness with the BN government for its unfulfilled pledges to curb corruption and cronyism and its seeming inability to resolve racial and religious grievances -- complaints that caused a swing in…

Police yet to question group

(The Star) - Police are still waiting to question PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa along with several MPs and assemblymen who were allegedly…

BN has its work cut out

“The chances are that we (BN) will lose badly in Perak,” was the frank analysis of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, a former finance minister and member of Umno, the dominant party within the BN…

Sivakumar kemuka rayuan

(TV Antara) - Peguam bagi Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak V Sivakumar menfailkan rayuan berhubung keputusan mahkamah menghalang beliau melantik peguam pilihannya dalam pertikaian dengan Zambry…

‘Cubaan lumpuh kuasa Sultan’

Rancangan pembangkang hapus institusi Raja: Rais(Berita Harian) - Pencabulan berterusan terhadap institusi Raja, termasuk cubaan mengheret istana ke mahkamah, didakwa sengaja dicetuskan pembangkang…

Gambar Majlis di Pokok Demokrasi

Sejarah perjuangan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w juga berlaku di bawah sepohon pokok yang dikenali dengan Perjanjian Hudaibiyah sehingga selepas 2 tahun berikutnya Islam kembali gemilang dengan peristiwa…

Outdoing Abu Gharib

The second autopsy report carried out on the body of A. Kugan was released on Thursday. It confirms without a shadow of a doubt that he was tortured and died as a result of this torture.