On September 12, police detained Raja Petra Kamarudin, a blogger and critic of the ruling government, under the ISA. On September 23, the home minister ordered Raja Petra to be detained for two years,…
Soon, they will be organising a National Malay Congress to discuss Malaysia’s very confusing Social Contract. Do any of us understand what the Social Contract is? Today, we are reproducing two…
THE CHANGE IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REVERSE If there is something that unites Malaysians, it is their great fondness for catchy political buzzwords. This year, “308” and “Rahman” are…
This sudden political engagement in itself tells us that Malaysia’s democracy is still suffering growing pains. It is far from mature and some would say that its growth is badly stunted, but it…
He was tortured continuously for six days, starved, beaten and branded like a cow. We do not treat even animals this way where pain is inflicted purely for the pleasure of it. How could this be…
The savagery of what has happened in Perak and the utter disregard of consequence on the part of those orchestrating the campaign go far to show how foolish I was to have believed that all of us,…
NAJIB WILL MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT FOR THE OPPOSITION Not long after the opposition blazed through the elections and won five states, opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim made a brazen — and…
THOSE who ignore the Constitution in pursuit of their own political interests are wrecking the foundations of the country, veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was quoted as saying in Makkal…
(Daily Star) - More than 80 scholars and experts - including Egyptian democracy activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim and former deputy prime minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim - are urging President Obama to…
THE HINDRAF FACTOR If March 8, 2008 was the day when the ground shifted under Malaysian politics, then Nov 25, 2007 was the day that the earth began rumbling.The Straits Times
It has become seen as a party preoccupied with itself, and it is precisely this insularity that turned off many Malaysians and in turn sparked the serious backlash against Barisan Nasional in last…
The fourth and final part of a series on ethics, education and equality argues that equal opportunity is far easier to achieve than equal outcome.P.GUNASEGARAM, The Star
Malaysians have this thing where they hope some mighty champion will sweep down from the mountains and solve their problems for them.AZMI SHAROM, The Star
KEDAH When Kedah state fell to the opposition 12 months ago, voters felt they had ushered in a bright new world. A year on, however, the euphoria has given way to disappointment and dashed hopes.The…
THE CHINESE: FRUSTRATION The elections had raised hopes for a post-racial Malaysia, but if anything, the changes appear to have deepened the fault lines.The Straits Times
By Shamim Adam and Michael Munoz, BloombergMalaysia’s exports fell the most in 15 years in January as the Asian economic slowdown worsened amid slumping global demand for electronics and…
PENANG & SELANGORFour states came under opposition rule for the first time last March. For some, the change was a breath of fresh air. For others, it meant a new set of troubles. The Straits Times…
Saya menerima tulisan di bawah melalui email. Saya tak pernah baca lagi. Mungkin anda juga tak pernah walaupun setelah membuat carian, saya dapati ia telahpun disiarkan dalam beberapa blog.
Malaysians realised for the first time that "there can be alternative governments ... that the power to shape opinions and decisions comes from them," said Tricia Yeoh, a political analyst…
It will, however, be more than just an ordinary by-election. It will take place amid one of the most turbulent times in Perak's history, after the BN toppled the Pakatan Rakyat government with…
Despite a damaging week of revelations in the Mongolian murder case, clout and connections are likely to keep Malaysia’s deputy prime minister where he is Given Abdul Razak’s close…
A murdered woman fades into a caricature as the trial of her accused killers in Malaysia drags on into obscurity“They say Malaysia is different from Mongolia and said they know people in police…
We have just published your Story "The Sedition Act for Dummies", you can now see it online at http://www.demotix.com/news/sedition-act-dummies. Keep an eye out for comments on your…