Powerful After All

But the reality is the speaker is in deed very powerful. Perak’s V.Sivakumar is proof. Without going into details, many believe Sivakumar is allowed by law to do what he is doing in Perak. And…

Selangor sultan rebukes quarrelling Malays

(The Malaysian Insider) - The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, today expressed disappointment over the action of a certain group of Malays whom continued to question the positions of…

Pak Lah’s Legacy

He will be leaving behind a bloated and lumbering civil service that has been seriously politicised, abandoning any pretence at “neutrality” in discharging its duties and responsibilities,…

Pakatan turns to palace

Now, Nizar faces the possibility of standing before Sultan Azlan Shah yet again and urging the Ruler, for the second time, to dissolve the state assembly. That is, of course, if he is granted an…

Sivakumar sues state legal adviser

V. Sivakumar filed a suit at the High Court here against his state legal adviser for acting without his authority in Tuesday’s proceedings which saw a restraining order being issued against the…

Nizar seeks audience with Sultan

Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is seeking an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, to present the Ruler with the three motions passed during Tuesday’s emergency sitting.

Who Is The Ultimate Authority?

By LIM MUN FAH/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily Today, many people are just like me. We are trying to find out the facts amidst the chaotic constitutional crisis in Perak.

Perak sweeps the week in Parliament

(The Sun) - It definitely was Perak week in Parliament. The continuing political saga of the silver state preoccupied our representatives in the august chamber of the Dewan Rakyat as well as in the…

The Sedition Act for Dummies

Actually, my case is very complicating indeed. The police report against me was that I was seditious because I had lied (di ada adakan). Therefore, should not the focus of my trial be on whether I did…

A walk down memory lane

Government in Malaysia is where the money is, and that is where UMNO intends to stay despite its disastrous March 8, 2008, election results, which cost the national ruling coalition the two-thirds…

Lamoh is Barisan’s choice

By Jack Wong, The StarParti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) has picked senior government officer Malcolm Mossen Lamoh to be the Barisan Nasional candidate for the Batang Ai by-election.