Pieces of a jigsaw puzzle

Now, let us look at the bits and pieces of the jigsaw puzzle so that we can get a clearer picture as to why Azilah and Sirul killed Altantuya Shaariibuu and try to figure out that most elusive missing…

Solve the crisis in Perak

Fresh elections are not only politically expedient, they are the correct course of action for the people of Perak. None but the people have the right to decide their government, and any who would…

Who’s Behind All This Mess?

Politics aside, the loopholes within the system and the ambiguity and deficiency of the country's Constitution have allowed the politicians to create trouble and confusion, triggering…

A State of Emergency

How does a democratic government legally hold on to endless power after it has lost the confidence of the majority of its people? How does these leaders authorize and command the compliance of the…

Financial crisis and bailouts

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad I was in England recently and the newspapers were full of dismal reports on bank and business failures, the closure of well-known businesses like Woolworths and Baratt, the…

Rays of hope

While political issues grab our attention, but Kam U Tee says the economic turmoil offers an opportunity to develop a multi-pronged energy strategy, which would include renewable energy.

Assembling alfresco

So it came to pass that Pas, with the least number of representatives in the assembly, had one from their ranks becoming the menteri besar, and a Secularist Islamist Centrist State Government was…

The truth that refuses to surface

In my sedition trial, Superintendent Gan Tack Guan just refuses to reply to YB Gobind Singh Deo’s questions as to how and why Altantuya Shaaribuu was killed and whether someone had paid Azilah…

No plan for retrenchment fund

By Giam Say Khoon, The SunThe government has ruled out setting up a retrenchment fund now although retrenchments and lay-offs are growing, said Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam. …

Perak’s law of the jungle

Left out of the loop are the people, who look to the Perak palace for justice, while the constitution provides a place and rules for everyone and every institution under the Perak sun. But that has…


Many may be wondering who is Sydney Franklin. But for those in the Defence Ministry, that name has been in circulation around the corridors of the ministry for quite a while, and is a popular figure…

Siapa bunuh UMNO?

The title of this post is similar to the caption of a poster that adorned the wall in the reception area of the law firm that I chambered at in 1990 and later worked as a legal assistant for a number…