The stupidity of some Malay Muslims

Some Malays, PKR and PAS Malays included, are very narrow-minded and ignorant. And this is because they recite the Quran like parrots without understanding what they are reciting -- mainly because…

Turn back migrants: M’sia PM

(AP) CHA-AM (Thailand) - MALAYSIA'S prime minister has called for Myanmar's Muslim boat people to be pushed back if they attempt to land on any Southeast Asian shores in search of asylum,…

Businessman pleads for political truce

(Business Times Singapore) KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — A businessman has taken a full-page advertisement in a major daily newspaper asking warring political parties to call a truce and focus on the…

MACC, do us proud

By Terence Fernandez (The Sun)WHEN it comes to dispelling a doubt as to whether one is doing the right thing, always apply the reasonable man’s test. This was one of the first things you learn…

Foul is fair, fair is foul”

Malaysian politics getting uglier by the day as Najib gets close to be PMWith the Abdullah premiership nearing its end and the daily countdown for Datuk Seri Najib Razak to take over as the sixth…

Is sex video hurting MCA?

(AP) THE resurfaced sex video showing Dr Chua Soi Lek engaging in illegal sex acts is now threatening to split Malaysia's second-largest party in its ruling coalition.

An opening in cyberspace closes

By Shawn W. Crispin (Asia Times Online) Nominally democratic Malaysia is another prominent backslider. The government pledged in 1996 not to censor the Internet to lure foreign funds to the…

Where’s MCA heading after 60 years?

As the MCA turns 60 today, a pertinent question that lingers on the minds of the people and party members is whether it has served its purpose of being the political vehicle for the Chinese populace…

Bedroom antics and public outrage

Shape of a Pocket By Jacqueline Ann Surin, The Nut Graph OVER the past few weeks of intense political developments from Perak to Selangor, and the resulting flurry of news-making, one thing remains…

Politik kotor atau politik harapan

Gelombang perubahan politik negara yang muncul berikutan pilihan raya umum 8 Mac 2008 telah membangkitkan harapan baru rakyat, khususnya di kalangan generasi muda. Selama ini rakyat takutkan perubahan…

Bengali celaka

Kelab Penyokong Maya UMNO Bengali tuncit ini bertambah angkuh dan tidak langsung menghormati kita, tak sedar bahawa dirinya kini boleh kita ketegorikan sebagai OKU.

Serious enough

Tengku Razaligh Hamzah Although its size remains a mystery, we are glad to be told that the mini-budget will now be bigger and more comprehensive. This is because we have now discovered that the…

Persidangan para badut negara

RAKYAT TERUS DICEKIK....Sementara itu di perkarangan pintu masuk ke bangunan Parlimen, sekumpulan anak muda yang mendakwa mewakili Pergerakan Pemuda Umno telah melakukan tindakan cukup…

Parochial ways of the hornbill

By James Chin (The Malaysian Insider) FEB 26 — People in Sarawak are getting excited. For the past few months, Anwar has been visiting Sarawak on an almost weekly basis. He has taken over…

Batang Ai, but for whom?

By Nur Jazlan (The Malaysian Insider)FEB 26 — Fate has not intervened in the destiny of Malaysian politics for a while until now. The last time it did, we lost several national leaders in the…

The impartiality of judges

By Baradan Kuppusamy (The Malaysian Insider) FEB 26 — Judicial Commissioner Mohamad Ariff Yusof should not have recused himself from hearing the judicial review case filed by Datuk Seri…