Elizabeth Wong – HRH has Spoken

I am not involved at all in all these. I don't even know who Elizabeth Wong was until I saw her picture (not the naked ones, I must hastily add) in the media when her nude picture controversy…

UMNO masih belum sedar

Kita akan menyaksikan tiga pilihan raya kecil (PRK), dua di Semenanjung dan satu di Sarawak, itu yang pasti, yang berkemungkinan menjadi pasti satu di Sabah manakala di Selangor belum pasti.

My Dear RPK, Heaven Awaits You

By R. Shan (Human Being) The latest spate of events and RPK's timely article on the direction of the esteemed commentors is a dose between quality and quantity. You say it this way, they say…

We are RPK!

There's an RPK in all of us, stand for what's right & fair for all Malaysians!Imagine a Sea of RPKs.

Dear RPK

Today, we will look at my responses to the comments in the article, For he’s a jolly good fellow (http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/18504/84/).NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin

Wisma Putra refutes S. African news reports

By Teh Eng Hock, The StarThe Foreign Ministry has denied South African newspaper reports that the wife of a Malaysian diplomatic staff member was involved in a road accident which caused the death of…

Spat with Anwar has ended, says Karpal

(The Star) AFTER challenging Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim openly for weeks over issues surrounding party hopping, Karpal Singh said he accepted the former as head of Pakatan Rakyat.