Hakim tarik diri dengar saman Nizar

(mStar Online) - Pesuruhajaya Kehakiman, Mohamad Ariff Md. Yusof pagi ini memutuskan untuk menarik diri daripada mendengar saman yang difailkan bekas menteri besar Perak Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar…

THANK YOU Judges for a Fair RPK Hearing

By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan VolunteersThere is a little light in the pitch dark tunnel after all. On behalf of Pahlawan Volunteers and all Anak Bangsa Malaysia, I thank the Registry of the Federal…

Let’s talk about sex

The boundaries of morality are clearly different for Muslim Malaysians who have to contend not just with the Penal Code but also a wider array of syariah laws on sexual morality. By Shanon Shah, The…

Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar

Dalam kes Amar Makruf nahi mungkar, Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi meletakkan beberapa syarat bagi nahi mungkar. Syarat pertama, hendaklah mungkar itu adalah perkara yang haram secara ijmak. Adapun syarat…

M’sians face 5th by-election

Sarawak state seat falls vacant after death of assemblyman The timing could not be more uncanny. The opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition has declared Sarawak to be its next frontier, and in…

The secret stimulus package

Even in the best of times, it is bad practice to run an economy on a political timetable. In this unprecedented global economic meltdown, it is a disastrous practice.

Get your rebates by March 31

(The Star) - The cash rebate system for vehicles under 2,000cc, which was implemented in June last year, will end on March 31, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad…

Evil Has Blighted Our Land

The utmost darkness and evil has blighted our land. There is no other way of saying this. Our ruling political parties who champion Ketuanan Melayu are using sexual entrapment, money politics,…