Barisan is arrogant and drunk on power

Barisan can grill Teoh Beng Hock so hard about RM2,400 worth of alleged corruption that he falls to his death, but it can’t even get to the bottom of the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone…

No end in sight for Perak PR

They may forget how the government was “stolen”; how the PR’s Speaker V. Sivakumar had been forcible removed from the Speaker’s chair on May 7; how the police had supposedly manhandled the opposition…

Where to, Pas?

Among the problematic leaders named by Nik Aziz were PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa, secretary-general Mustafa Ali and Selangor PAS commissioner Dr Hasan Ali.…

Dilema dalam hala tuju PAS

Bagi seorang lagi penganalisis politik, Asri Salleh, tindakan Nik Abdul Aziz menggoncang bahtera Pas mungkin berpunca daripada peningkatan sokongan rakyat terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun…

Perak Turned Into a Barbaric State

BN must make up its mind once and for all.  Does it still want to put up the pretence that Malaysia is a democracy?  If it does, should it continue to bombard our senses with such disgusting scenes…

Perak’s tarnished state

Constitutional crisis unlikely to be resolvedIt appears that Malaysians will just have to live with the embarrassing spectacle of an august House turned circus every assembly sitting. PR sees it as…

Marina, you’re no bumi

“Why all the differences in the intake of students for higher learning? I am not questioning the Constitution, but what is the meaning of 1Malaysia if things like this happen?” MALAYSIAN MIRROR

Are you the Silent Majority?

By MasterwordsmithMalaysia is a land of contradictions. The vocal majority, i.e. those who hold reins of power, is the minority who control the silent majority. The silent majority is an unspecified…

The Sabah Crisis

By batsmanI must confess straightaway that I am no expert on Sabah affairs. I have never even set foot on the good earth of Sabah. However for better or worse, Sabah affairs have a direct impact on…

Apa yang BARU dengan UMNO?

Noh Omar yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Selangor, bertanggapan bahawa "tiada salahnya jikalah menggunakan jentera parti untuk melaksanakan dasar kerajaan". Lim…

DAP presses on for Perak fresh polls

Written by Regina William, The Edge  The DAP has reiterated its stand that the Perak state legislative assembly has to be dissolved and that fresh elections need to be called for a clear mandate from…

PR claims BN-police conspiracy at assembly

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is now alleging that the violent attacks they were subjected to during yesterday’s chaotic assembly sitting were a part of a carefully…