Perak Umno in disarray

(The Malaysian Insider) - Following the defection of Perak state assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim to PKR, Umno representatives in the state are now complaining of being sidelined by the party…

Malaysia – an Islamic Country?

Despite what our founding fathers had intended it to be and what the Federal Constitution has expressly stated, Mahathir Mohammad unequivocally pronounced that Malaysia is an “Islamic…

Go on, insult your neighbour!

(The Malaysian Insider) — Were you surprised that the Cabinet scrapped the proposed Race Relations Act (RRA)? According to Bernama, the minister said the idea was dropped because "we…

Kugan buried, questions linger

By Shannon Teoh and Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian InsiderSuspected car thief A. Kugan was finally buried at 5.30pm today after mourners circled his casket and conducted last rites at the Puchong…

Police arrest five outside UMMC mortuary

(Bernama) PETALING JAYA, 28 Jan 2009: Police arrested five men from among a crowd outside the mortuary of the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) today just before the hearse bearing the body of A…

March to mourn Indian’s death

(AP) KUALA LUMPUR - AUTHORITIES tightened security near Malaysia's largest city Wednesday as ethnic Indians planned a funeral march to mourn a man whose family believes he was killed by police…

Part I: The Making Of A Nation

Ten years after giving up power from its biggest colony on the Indian sub-continent, Britain was getting tired of administering the last few remaining colonies in its far-flung empire in the Far East.…

Will PAS turn blue?

By Wong Chin Huat, The Nut GraphTHE Kuala Terengganu by-election was a relief for many Pakatan Rakyat well-wishers. Not only did PAS win, it went all out to praise the DAP's contribution to the…