Siapa lagi akan meloncat?

Mesyuarat khas Badan Perhubungan UMNO Perak yang di adakan ekoran tindakan Nasaruddin meninggalkan BN dan menyertai Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di Ipoh malam tadi dilaporkan media dihadiri seramai 20…

Kong Hee Fatt Choy, Pak Lah

Today, to celebrate Chinese New Year, RPK sends his second open letter to Pak Lah, which touches on the problem of police brutality and the vote of no confidence against Najib in the recent Kuala…

Tamparan Hebat Buat Umno

Difahamkan, Nasarudin yang menjadi mangsa politik wang dan tekanan dalaman Umno khususnya di bahagian Parit telah membuat keputusan meninggalkan parti yang semakin sukar dipulihkan kemelut dalamannya.…

Nomura to post 300 billion yen loss?

NOMURA Holdings Inc , Japan's largest brokerage, is expected to post a net loss of 300 billion yen in October-December as market turmoil hit its trading business, Japanese daily Nikkei reported…

Perutusan Tahun Baru Cina 2009

Tahun Baru sudah menjelma. Masyarakat Tiong Hua merayakannya tahun ini, setelah berlakunya beberapa rentetan peristiwa dan dalam suasana ekonomi global yang tidak memberangsangkan.

Dengue cases could hurt M’sia

(ST) - MALAYSIA'S health minister says the doubling of dengue fever cases could hit the country's economy with 4,221 cases and 12 deaths in the first three weeks of the year, reports said on…

PKR strikes first in Perak, not Umno

“This is Pak Lah’s legacy but the sad thing is it shows some don’t trust Najib to solve the party’s problems,” an Umno warlord told The Malaysian Insider today.The…

By- election again

Dust has just settled in Kuala Terenggnu. I am referring to the by-election, which was just concluded. Many people predicated PAS to win. It did.

Umno man joins PKR in Perak

(The Star) - Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim is quitting Umno to join PKR, bringing the total number of state seats held by the Pakatan Rakyat alliance here to 32, versus Barisan…

Beware the Ides of March

Apart from the Altantuya case, Najib is also dogged by shady arms purchases notably the procurement of Sukhoi fighter jets and submarines in which Razak is suspected of pocketing hundreds of millions…

London Bridge is falling down?

In his analysis, Kian Ming found out that the percentage of those aged 35 and below voting for BN has decreased by 4.4 per cent while those from 35 to 55 decreased by 1.5 per cent and those aged 55…