Politics of Appeasement

Many political analysts have commented on the KT by-elections and its consequences. Unfortunately, the most obvious issue is skirted – perhaps because it is too sensitive and draws very many…

MIC expels Samy Vellu’s challenger

By Baradan Kuppusamy, The Malaysian Insider The MIC has summarily expelled former vice-president Datuk M. Muthupalaniappan, who was planning to challenge Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu for the party…

When Corruption is Endemic…

The Edge has been bringing us some really incisive, sizzling stories in the recent years, enough that I have no problem forking out RM5 per week to read some juicy findings.

Recession grips Britain

(ST) - BRITAIN is in recession for the first time since 1991, official data showed on Friday, triggering a plea from Prime Minister Gordon Brown for renewed international cooperation to tackle the…

Cops to question two deputy ministers

(The Star) - Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said police would record the statements of two deputy ministers in connection with the morgue incident in which the body of A.…

Kugan’s death classified as murder

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider The controversy over the death of a suspect in police custody escalated today after Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail classified the case as murder.

Good News, Bad News, Slow News

We can now feel the economic turmoil as layoffs and closures could be heard everywhere. But the government's RM7 billion stimulus package which was announced two months ago has not been carried…

KT Chinese Wisdom

However, KT Chinese knew that they do not need to be the "King makers". For them, such a role was too heavy, it was in fact a burden. By TAY TIAN YAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew…

Scenes in the PJ Court today

A total of 21 people, including a Member of Parliament (MP), two state assemblymen and a Catholic priest, were charged in the Magistrates Court here with taking part in an illegal assembly and…

21 charged with illegal assembly

(The Star) A total of 21 people, including a Member of Parliament (MP), two state assemblymen and a Catholic priest, were charged in the Magistrates Court here with taking part in an illegal assembly…