The Next Battle: Sarawak

The Kuala Terengganu by-election is settled. Before the by-election, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that the by-election should not be seen as a referendum on him; after the…

The KT ‘bye’ election

(The Malaysian Insider) JAN 20 – Last Saturday, on the night when they counted the KT by-election votes, I was out for a dinner with my wife.Suddenly, the people at the next table started…

Bila pemimpin ciluk dan kaki belit

UMNO SEMAKIN PINCANG Setelah menyedari diri mereka diperdaya oleh pimpinan maka pada malam terakhir kempen pilihanraya kecil itu jentera pemuda dibeberapa kawasan terutama di DUN Wakaf Mempelam…

Message Of The KT By-election

If BN does not seriously carry out reforms, the Kuala Terengganu by-election result would have an impact on the state elections of Sabah and Sarawak. If Pakatan Rakyat manages to get Sarawak's…

Herald Continues To Use Allah Word

(MySinchew) - In its running battle with the authorities over the usage of the word Allah in its Herald, the Catholic weekly, the Catholic Church has decided to go ahead to continue to use the word…

Watch the spin doctors come out

- to save Najib’s sorry ass by trying to hang the KT loss round Pak Lah's neckMalaysianinsider reported soon after the KT by-election results were known that PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi…

A New Beginning

It is glaringly apparent that things are not as they should be in this country. Just as it is obvious that things should have been far better and could have been. It would not be incorrect to say that…


What would you think if you put me in charge of an undertaking and allotted me tens of millions to spend to ensure that I ‘succeed’ at the task, but I end up failing miserably? What would…

What causes Marginalisation?

By NaraganWhat I am writing here is happening here in the 21st century WIMAX City of Penang. There is one little Tamil school sitting up on a ledge at the edge of the city with about 100 pupils…

Old formula no longer works

CERITALAH By KARIM RASLAN (The Star)The by-election in Kuala Terengganu further emphasises that voters don’t want politics-as-usual. They want respect and service.