Justice delayed is justice denied

PERLETAKAN jawatan Peguam Negeri Sabah, Datuk Roderick Ferdandez yang mewakili Ketua Menteri Sabah dalam kes perbicaraan Patung Dewi Laut Ma Tzu di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu pada Jumaat (disahkan…

The Pakatan tide continues

The party has survived a rocky start after the Kuala Terengganu by-electionWe may be witnessing a rebirth of inter-ethnic cooperation taking place in Malaysia. The first birth took place in the…

The six takeaways from Kuala Terengganu

Several weeks ago, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak met the editors of several newspapers and he made it clear that if BN lost the KT seat, it could be a harbinger of worse to come. He speculated that the…

We are all Erdogans

I believe it’s time for all of us – all Malaysians – to become Erdogans. As Umno’s end is nigh, lets meet the aspirations of Malaysians for change and present our beloved…

Sharp Slap to UMNO’s Leadership

That would be great news for Anwar Ibrahim-led Pakatan Rakyat, further enhancing its chance of assuming power. This may occur even sooner if Barisan Members of Parliament, sensing the political…

Islam beyond hudud

Question hudud, and everything is up for grabs. Why pray five times a day? Why obey the rules for inheritance? If the explicit may be ignored, the less explicit may have even less significance. By…

Lessons from Kuala Terengganu

Both BN and Pakatan Rakyat need rethinking Some locals have said that Terengganu-born Chinese Malaysians tend to feel more "loyal" to the BN because of their small numbers and their…

Umno loss a wake-up call

Party veterans blame leaders for disconnect with ground Umno lost the most ground in the Malay areas, while the Chinese votes remained stable. Analysts and party leaders have attributed the…

Opposition hails victory

(AP) - MALAYSIA'S opposition on Sunday hailed a victory in a parliamentary by-election, declaring support for its campaign to topple the government has gained strength nearly a year after…

Gelodak rakyat masih membara

NAJIB GAGAL LAGI.....Biar apapun rakyat Kuala Trengganu tetap tidak berganjak dengan keputusan majoritinya menolak sebarang bentuk politik caci mencaci, politik “hulurisma”, politik projek…

BN has lost the plot

PAS win signals resurgence for Pakatan Rakyat It is still unclear just how many of the Chinese Malaysian votes went to PAS, but the fall of Bandar is a telling sign as it has the largest…

Pengundi Masih Marah Kepada BN

PADA hari Jumaat, 16 Januari, akhbar arus perdana Berita Harian menyiarkan tajuk berita berbunyi “Harapan BN Cerah” dan meramalkan parti kerajaan pusat itu akan mengekalkan kerusi Parlimen…

The Government Must Say No!

Where could you find an area that could bring you so much money without any effort required like the AP system? How would those turned rich because of the system join other areas? By TAY TIAN YAN/…