Anwar hints at defections, again

After a three-month lull, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has again raised the possibility of Barisan Nasional MPs defecting to the fledgling Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

Eeee Ezam Please..

I am completely BAFFLED as why BN still needs to use Ezam against Anwar. BN needs to be more innovative,creative and should avoid using character or personality…

Jalan-jalan at Kampung Cina

...with the people's prince :pI really think that the Chinese community in KT loves him. Everywhere he goes, people wants to salam and take photographs with him. :)

KT voters, we need your help!

If BN wins this time, there will be no change in the Malaysian police system. Everything will stay the same. The voices of the public will continuously be ignored by the government. BN will continue…

In Umno, MCA’s future lies

Indeed even in the current Kuala Terengganu by-election campaign, the key Chinese vote is already leaning towards Pas, an Islamist party which has ideals anathema to the Chinese. And many of the 8,000…

Reckoning with the electorate

"Traditionally, the Chinese have consistently backed BN in this area. I don't see them as swing voters because if sentiment towards the BN is low, their tendency is to stay home and avoid…

Caught With Their Pants Down

Apparently, “the cabinet was upset” that Hindraf had undermined the regime’s image abroad and wants the MIC to address this perception problem. Commenting on the matter, the

HINDRAF supports PAS in Kuala Terengganu

Recognizing over 8,000 Chinese votes as crucial, the UMNO led government has allegedly dedicated millions to this community in a form of bribe. There are 523 Indian voters; what bribery mechanism…

Fighting fire with fire

Tired of reacting to PAS’ constant attacks, Umno goes on the offensive.The organisers had promised a 10,000-strong crowd but it poured and they did not quite make the numbers. The impressive…

Suara rakyat suara keramat siri V

PENYU TIDAK BERTELUR LAGIMenurut beberapa orang teman yang masih terus berkampong di persekitaran Batu Burok dan pekan Kuala Terengganu, kedudukan pengundi di kawasan Wakaf Mempelam masih kental untuk…

Assessing Chinese Malaysian support

In the meantime, both the BN and Pakatan Rakyat are bringing home some 2,500 Chinese Malaysian voters currently working outside Terengganu to return to cast their ballot in the by-election. The Nut…

Keeping the BN afloat

The one-billion-ringgit question is that if sizeable numbers of Malays continue to reject Umno in the Malay heartland, will the non-Malays come to Umno's rescue again? Will they join their…

On the ceramah trail

In a campaign where attacks on Najib and mentions of Altantuya have been absent, Raja Petra cannot restrain himself. On 11 Jan, at a Chinese restaurant in Tanjung packed to the brim with about 600…

Jika BN kalah…

Kekalahan BN akan dilihat sebagai kelemahan Najib buat kali kedua selepas gagal memenangkan kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh untuk BN dalam PRK pada Ogos tahun lalu.Wan Hamidi Hamid, The Malaysian…

Zaid Ibrahim joins in the fray for Pas

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider In yet another blow to Barisan Nasional’s attempt to rejuvenate itself after the March 8 political tsunami, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim today declared his support…