DARI JELEBUHishamuddin RaisNegara ini di tubuhkan oleh kuasa kolonial British. Negara ini adalah bekas tanah jajahan British. Parti politik yang berkuasa dalam negara ini pada awalnya menentang…

A fire raging out of control

Let me repeat that. Malaysia already practices the Islamic law of Hudud, but only for Muslims. And we do not call them Hudud laws although in reality they are.NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin

Pakatan scoffs at BN’s slogan change

By Adib Zalkapli (The Malaysian Insider)KUALA TERENGGANU, Jan 14 - Barisan Nasional's (BN) decision to become more aggressive in its campaign for the Kuala Terengganu seat just four days before…

Tense times for Umno in Terengganu

The Kuala Terengganu by-election will have a major impact on the political prestige of Najib and the top leaders of the ruling United Malays National Organisation (Umno), which is still struggling to…

‘Do or die’ over dinner

Three out of four Chinese said a vote against the BN would send a signal that it has to be fairer to the minorities. More Chinese felt that the opposition Pakatan Rakyat, the coalition formed by PAS,…

Poll: Candidate trumps party

By Zedeck Siew, The Nut GraphThe quality of the candidate standing in the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election is more important than current issues and party capability, a new poll has…

Poll reveals Chinese votes not safe in KT

(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 13 — It might be too close to call in the Kuala Terengganu by-election but an independent poll suggests that the Chinese, long seen as a safe vote bank…

The pulse of the Chinese voters

Someone then narrated how the Terengganu MB, at a ceramah either yesterday or the day before had said something like this : “You baik sama saya, saya pun baik sama you. You tak baik sama saya,…

Reforms at stake in KT vote

It will decide whether change and reform will have a chance to survive and breathe in Malaysia or will it merely become another stillborn venture, aborted by establishment powers who favour the status…

DAP told to vacate KT office

(The Edge) - DAP suffered a minor hiccup yesterday when the party was asked to close down its operations centre in Kg Cina at the heart of the Bandar constituency.

Mazu case hearing put off to today

Kota Kinabalu: The civil suit filed by former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat against Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and three others for alleged abuse of power by withdrawal of the…


DARI JELEBUHishamuddin Rais Ketika di sekolah menengah dahulu saya selalu membaca sajak sajak J.M Aziz. Bait-bait tentang laut, kolek, penyu dan ikan menjadikan saya asyik untuk tahu tentang Kuala…

Whom can we trust, PAS or Umno?

So, whom can we trust? A party that respects and will comply to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia or one that violates the Constitution every step of the way? That is the fundamental issue in the…