Tiga kesilapan pilih Wan Farid

Rakyat di luar Terengganu boleh dibohongi. Tetapi orang-orang Umno dan rakyat Terengganu sendiri menyaksikan bagaimana ketika hayat Razali, beliau diketepikan dan dikalahkan oleh orang-orang Wan Farid…

The PAS Blitzkrieg

Throughout the history of the world, time and time again, successful war planners have learnt that it is vital for one to know the enemy. Once again I am left with complete admiration as to…

You do us proud, Jomo!

Jomo Kwame Sundaram and I aren't exactly drinking buddies but I'm glad we bumped into each and shook hands at least a few times when he was at Universiti Malaya. Always liked the man for his…

This is Yee’s wish!

It was a long time ago that I used to pass through this town to get to work in the off-shore rigs in the early eighties ! Not much has changed since then.


Conservatively there are 7,000 police personnel mustered in Kuala Terengganu. If this place is declared a war zone, the army and not the police should be in place.

How will the Chinese vote in KT?

There are 8,735 Chinese voters, accounting for almost 11 per cent of the electorate, and most of them are in Kuala Terengganu city or the Bandar state constituency, one of the four state…

Suara rakyat kuasa keramat siri 3

BOHONG!!! BOHONG!!! BOHONG!!!!!Turut menjadi lelucon dalam pemberitaan berhubung pilihanraya kecil Parlimen Kuala Terengganu kali ini adalah laporan usaha Pergerakkan Puteri Umno membuka…

A dilemma over Malay voters

(The Straits Times) - Election fever seems barely discernible in Kuala Terengganu, but head for the nearby villages. As the town fades in the distance, flags start to appear along the road. It is…

Rift widens as MCA leaders fight

(The Straits Times) - The rift in the leadership of the MCA, the second-biggest party in the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, appears to be widening as spats between its top two men intensified…

The Rationalization of War

If we were to remove both parties concerned of their identities and completely disregard their race and religion, will our conclusion of the Israel-Palestine episode be the same? Will we still