Politicising Islam in KT

By Deborah Loh, The Nut GraphTHE use of religion is a given in any election campaign that involves the ruling Umno and the Islamist opposition, PAS.

Contrast of brash and quiet styles

WONG SAI WAN, THE STARPKR information chief Tian Chua clad in his photographer’s vest – the one with lots of pockets – has been hitting the streets since the eve of nomination day…

Philip Bowring: Malaysian pretensions

Malaysian pretensions could be dismissed as hot air. But official discrimination against non-Malays in the country was eventually going to attract criticism from human rights groups and other…

Contrasting campaign styles in KT

By Danny Lim in The Nut GraphTHE two major competing parties in the Kuala Terengganu by-election couldn't have started their campaigns in more contrasting fashions.<!-- Printer Friendly Format…

Of boycotting and buying

Question Time By P.GUNASEGARAM (The Star)If only boycotts of goods and services from some countries and buying Malaysian goods instead could be that simple.

KL water project hits snags

Objections over tender process could result in legal action against govt Prime Minister Badawi's administration faces wrangling over a disputed tender process that could result in legal…