Torture for beer drinkers

The Malaysian government must acknowledge that interfering in people's private lives and sentences such as caning are the antithesis of a "moderate" Muslim state. Malaysia must make clear what kind of…

Billions gone due to bad spending

Estimates based on government spending indicate that - if one assumes overpayment on contracts is just 20% - the losses could come up to as much as RM28bil a year, according to a probe by national…

Getting Away with Murder in Malaysia

It's best to be connected to the ruling national coalitionNo one was ever charged with Mutakizah's murder. The widespread gossip about Megat Junid's connection with Mustakizah didn't do his political…

PKA goes after PKFZ consultants

(Bernama) - The Port Klang Authority (PKA) has lodged complaints with the relevant professional bodies against three of its consultants involved in the scandal-hit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project.…

PAS EGM: What is in Nik Aziz mind?

By Dr. Rafick1. When the news of Nik Aziz wanting to have an EGM surfaces, there was a myriad of views in the papers. BN leaders in particular UMNO was having a field day giving their views. No matter…

Why PR will not take disciplinary action

The case of Hasan Ali and Zulkifli NoordinWhen comparing Hasan's and Zulkifli's cases, it is worth recalling that Umno, despite support for Datuk Ahmad Ismail, suspended his party membership for three…

Praising Our Leaders Too Soon and Too Early

We must not treat our leaders like our pet monkeys; we must never indulge them.  Instead we must subject them to the toughest scrutiny and not be afraid to criticizeTHE CORRIDORS OF POWERM. Bakri Musa…

Come home RPK, says friend

By Shaun Ho, The StarRaja Petra Kamarudin’s close college mate has urged him to come home to answer charges against him and to allow the law to run its course.

PKR losing public confidence

A VETERAN Malaysian lawmaker warned on Sunday the opposition alliance was suffering from a 'bout of loss of public confidence' after it enjoyed unprecedented success in national polls last year.

I’m not perturbed, says Nik Aziz

(The Star) - AS spiritual advisor Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat says he is not too concerned by the possibility of a split in the party following his call for a special muktamar to weed out…

Dream, dream, dream, Adit

But the Malaysian Mirror can reveal that Adit’s plan to set up the new party has met with some obstacles, one of which is the lack of support from ex-PBDS members. Joseph Tawie, Malaysian Mirror

Rep faces the sack, warns PKR leader

KUCHING: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) may have only two assemblymen in the Sarawak legislative assembly, but that would not stop the party from axing wayward Ngemah assemblyman Gabriel Adit when they…