faux PAS @ bagan pinang

Art HarunIf politics is the art of convincing people to follow one's beliefs, ideologies and principles, then the Bagan Pinang by-election should teach PAS, and the Pakatan Rakyat, some basic…

Has PKR lost the plot in East Malaysia?

By Haris IbrahimLate last year, in a move seen by many as boosting PKR’s prospects in the forthcoming state elections in Sarawak, Ngemah independent state assemblyperson Gabriel Adit, apparently…

Sleeping with the ‘enemy’…

By Guan SinOn the left, JJ, new ambassador of Malaysia to US, on the right, Paul Wolfowitz, "architect of Iraq war". Perhaps Mukhriz Mahathir should pick this up and attack JJ till no end.

Time running out for MCA, says Liow

(Bernama) -- The MCA is racing against time as its powerful Central Committee (CC) meets on Thursday to salvage the party's bruised image following Saturday's extraordinary general meeting (EGM) which…

Fresh polls best way out

There are clear signs that the massive desertion from the MCA by the Chinese community in the last general election has not reversed itself. The ugliness of the recent power struggle within the MCA

In the Eye of the Beholder

By G. KrishnanThe post-mortem of the Bagan Pinang by-election provides a fascinating glimpse into the spinning and speculating that has gone on as part of the effort to make some sense of what message…

The Meeting That Wasn’t

(The Washington Post) "Once you give a perception that you are softening on human rights, then you are strengthening the hands of autocrats to punish dissidents throughout the world."

MCA – Tong Tong Cheng!

By Simon TemplarNow that the MCA EGM is done and dusted, it is clear who won; Ong Ka Ting and Chan Kong Choy. Even the aunties at the morning market will tell you that they are the 2 behind the…

Some lessons from Bagan Pinang

Naturally, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would like to claim that this by-election victory was an endorsement of 1 Malaysia but it was not. It was a by-election in Negeri Sembilan where BN…

PAS, you need to find your way back fast!

By Tohkong Mosjid (Harakah)5435! 5435 from 2333, an increase of 133% in majority votes. Yes, I hope PAS was humbled by that number, and this loss is worse than UMNO's loss in Permatang Pasir (4551…

Wake-up call for Pakatan Rakyat

So, PAS needs to get off its high horse and realise that it doesn’t actually have that much Malay support (compared with Umno) and it only has non-Malay support because of the non-Malay disenchantment…