Cost Overruns? ( We Are Damned II)

By Hakim JoeRead Part I at: We are damned! Will the final cost of the construction of the Bakun Dam be revealed to the public once operations start in 2011, OSA aside? Will the moon on the night…

Bagan Pinang is Umno’s to lose

Criticism over choice of Isa Samad as candidate bound to surface at Umno assemblyThere was, therefore, all the more reason to expect the party to do all it could to avoid shooting itself in the foot…

Where’s the money gone?

The money former PM Abdullah was talking about does exist. So it seems. That is contrary to what Rais said. Now was Rais himself been misinformed? Is the money there? Will Penang get the RM25 million…

Can the Pakatan govern?

Only in Malaysia is criticism within the same party or coalition treated as big news. When it happens within PR (comprising PAS, the DAP and PKR) this is seized on and played up by the mainstream…

A fight that Umno cannot afford to lose

(Malaysian Mirror) - PORT DICKSON - As expected, the Bagan Pinang by-election will be a straight fight between Umno and PAS after an independent candidate failed to get his papers through.

Identity Crisis

By Michael Chick Malaysia is an interesting Lab Rat. These experiments are carried out by a herd of Migratory Half-Breeds who claim to be "Sons of the Soil". In fact, the citizens call them "The…

Umno losing faith in Barisan partners

(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 — Umno’s patience and confidence with the current power-sharing agreement with its partners in Barisan Nasional is wearing thin, judging by sentiments…

We are damned!

Why would someone want to generate electricity through a giant hydroelectric plant in an area that does not demand that massive supply? Answer me that question and you can stop reading.THE CORRIDORS…

Ministry responds to Tracking Rais

(The Nut Graph) Note from The Nut Graph Surprise! The government has actually responded to a column published in The Nut Graph. The Information, Communications and Culture Ministry responded today to…