Selangor raps Syabas for new dam idea

(The Malaysian Insider) - Water utility Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) earned the wrath of Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong yesterday for proposing a new dam in Ampang directly to…

Forced to say she was raped?

(Malaysian Mirror) - Amid growing public concern of a state cover-up, a 22-year-old Penan woman has denied she was ever raped, claiming she was duped into going to Kuala Lumpur and telling the police…

Hisham: Voters want Isa

(The Star) - Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said former Negri Sembilan Mentri Besar Tan Sri Isa Samad was picked as the Barisan Nasional candidate for the Bagan Pinang…

‘Study tours’ are all but a farce

Our missions in some capitals of the world have to regularly play host to elected officials and civil servants ostensibly visiting in search of knowledge, but really in search of good bargains and a…

Misteri undi Pos Bagan Pinang ?

By Anak Sungai DerhakaBukti dan maklumat di bawah ini mendedah bahawa penipuan secara terancang oleh pihak SPR ternyata tidak dapat disangkal lagi.

Kerajaan Hina Tentera

Rata rata ramai yang bersetuju bahawa apa jua alasan, adalah tidak wajar kerajaan melayani Jeneral Abdul Aziz demikian dan seolah-olah memaksa beliau bersara secara mengejut. TV Antara

Kemelut MCA, MIC Bakal Runtuhkan BN

Semua masalah-masalah ini adalah cerminan kepada perpecahan yang sebenarnya berlaku di dalam BN itu sendiri. Dr Mahathir berpendapat Umno dan BN mungkin akan mengalami nasib sama seperti Parti…

A Positive Role Mode

By Pakac LutebPolitics often stinks like a pile of poo. The thirst for power often brings out the worst in people.

Victory… but at what cost?

(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 30 — The justification for naming Datuk Isa Samad as the Umno candidate for the vacant Bagan Pinang state seat has started.