Same Old UMNO, Same Old Ethics

When UMNO chose a disbarred lawyer to contest the recent by-election in Penang, I commented that the next time around expect the party to scrounge even lower in search of even slimier characters to…

The four faces of 1Malaysia

By Wong Chin Huat (The Nut GraphAmid Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's plan to build "1Malaysia hostels" to promote national unity, I feel compelled to point out we cannot have "unity" because…

Nantikan: Turning point untuk MCA

By My Living WallTidak ada mana-mana ahli malah pemimpin MCA sekali pun yang melebihi parti. Segala ugutan ataupun taktik keras sedemikian tidak akan mengoyahkan tekad kepemimpinan parti untuk…

UMNO is the cancer of Malaysia

By Richard WeeAmazing?! For the 2nd time in a row, UMNO chooses a candidate tainted with corruption. They chose Rohaizat Othman at the recent by-election at Permatang Pasir. Rohaizat was disbarred as…

The troublemakers

(The Edge) Oon Yeoh asks if Zulkilfli Noordin (PKR) & Hasan Ali (PAS) are internal saboteurs within Pakatan Rakyat. Ong Kian Ming says they are simply lousy politicians.

Unity an ongoing Malaysian project

By Marina Mahathir (The Star)Having stayed together with only relatively minor spats over the past 52 years, we need to ask ourselves if we are really as divided as some politicians will have us…

Tourist village now an eyesore

(NST) ALOR STAR: It was touted to be the latest and one of the biggest tourist attractions in the state. However, the "Kampung Tradisional" in Gunung Keriang here is fast becoming an eyesore.

Sharing 1Malaysia at UN

(The Star) NEW YORK: The 1Malaysia concept has been brought to the attention of the largest world forum – the United Nations General Assembly.

Two youth caught taking heroin

(Bernama) KUALA TERENGGANU, Sept 29 – Police arrested two youths believed to be Umno Youth members suspected of taking heroin during a raid on a house in Kampung Tengah, Kijal, last night.

BN Bickering?

By G. KrishnanRemember the big news write-ups that would routinely get published in the government’s mouthpieces about the rift and in-fighting in the PR coalition? Oh, how fast the tables have…

7 Oktober hari perdamaian PAS-DAP?

(mStar Online) - PAS dan DAP - dua rakan sekutu dalam politik Malaysia yang sedang berkrisis di Negeri Selangor pada saat ini telah mencapai kata sepakat untuk duduk semeja pada 7 Oktober ini untuk…