Jabu Unwilling to Open Door for Ladies

By Rosita Maja The Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister and Minsiter in charge of Penan affiars, Alfred Jabu anak Nmpang, has refused to accept a memorandum concerning the plight of Penan girls and…

Middle ground is battle ground

The magic number of a simple majority in the lower house is 112 seats. The two groups of marginal seats from both sides of the divide combined are 110 seats. The middle ground is really the battle…

Will Chua’s DVD episode go away?

“Go ahead and show the film to the world. My people will see my prowess and see how great I am in bed. My people will be proud of me. They will say it is an honour to have a great performer as…

Even Malays want to emigrate

At the same time, Umno's insistence on attacking the Pakatan on this terrain (hence relinquishing the multiracial ground to the Opposition, it would seem) has left many middle class, professional…

Acid test for Umno and Najib

If Isa is not picked, there is fear that his supporters may boycott or even sabotage their party's chances at the by-election. So if Najib cannot persuade them to a wiser view, he may have to…

“The Hassan Ali” and SELCAT

By Dr. Rafick1. Though the issue of Hassan Ali and his antics has been going on for a while, I had decided to stay on the sideline because I wanted to hear the pieces from everyone. His latest…

Daulat Tuanku? I think not….

I know of his Father, Sultan Sir Abu Bakar more then I know of him because my late Father was serving in Pahang when Tuanku Abu Bakar was Sultan. Sultan Abu Bakar was partial towards the ladies and…

Happy Birthday, RPK!

By eechiaLast year, so many of us, Malaysians gathered together in protest of your unwarranted detention under ISA on your birthday.

The Man with the Iron Grip has to Go

By MasterwordsmithOnce upon a time in Bolehland, lived a man with the iron grip - a man who thought he was invincible, a man who thought that he would always be indispensable to his community in good…

Cakap cakap ….a taste of truth

By steadyaku47If we were to be asked “Who amongst you have been supporters of UMNO?”. Let me be the first to put my hand up. If we were again asked “Who amongst you have benefited…

One too many 1 boring logo

By Why LIE-dis n Lie-dat?The power of a brand can be portrayed in many forms, sometimes a catch tagline that can be made into a catchy jingle will etch a niche of familiar recall in ones memory, while…