Vote for Change

By Ron CK Sim (Vote4Change)After letting their voices heard at the ballot boxes on 8th of March 2008, millions of concerned Malaysians were glued to their TVs and PCs, following enthusiastically the…

But “The Rot” Stopped Reforms

By Dr. Collin AbrahamTerence Fernandez is to be commended for bringing ‘the rot’ down to earth. His analysis provides the rare opportunity to highlight the case where, to the best of my…

Scrap Penang Outer Ring Road project

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) are disappointed that the government is proceeding with the construction of the Penang Outer Ring Road (PORR) project.…

A schism of isms

By myAsylumOnce again, the tired argument that those who don’t have “sufficient” knowledge on religion, Islam in particular, should not voice any opinion or objections when it comes…

The two MB’s dilemma

By Dr. Rafick1. I was in Ipoh a few days before Raya and subsequently during and after Raya. I visited a few friends and relative during my short stay this time around. I am glad to say that those…

The ghosts in the corridors of power

By Sun LineIt is Taoist belief that in the seventh month of the Chinese calendar spirits of the departed are set free to roam to seek worldly pleasure, and to settle unfinished business. In the…

MCA’s black humour

By Tay Tian Yan (Sin Chew Daily)The MCA central committee's decision has created a black humour kind of effect.