Dr Hassan Ali – whose side is he on?

By KTemoc KonsidersWhat can you say about Selangor PAS Commissioner, Hassan Ali, a member of the State Pakatan-led exco, when he wants the State government to stop Selcat (the State special select…

Bagan Pinang- vote for normalcy

By Sakmongkol AK47All UMNO needs now is to hand PR its first defeat. It will break them. It seems to me, the PR people are bringing up 1001 excuses to rationalize their coming defeat.

Hypocrites in PAS

By Khoo Kay PengThe religious hypocrites in PAS have strike again. This time, and again, calling for a ban of Beyonce concert which is scheduled to be held on 25th October.

Another 11 Ibans to be charged

By The Broken ShieldSRI AMAN: - Another 11 more Iban NCR land owners from Abok in the Pantu District in Sarawak have been arrested on Friday 18 September for harvesting oil palm fruits from their own…

The FED, Selcat, DOs and Isa

The Malaysian Insider reports that a group of district officers (DOs) are unhappy with the way they were grilled by Selcat. Datuk Hassan Ali, came to their rescue claiming “They feel they were…

OTK – What a crafty bugger!

By Eyes Wide OpenThose of you who remember my "behind the scenes" peek at the MCA, will remember I said Chua Soi Lek is Najib's proxy in the attempt to make MCA even more of the eunuch…

RM12.5b, flushed down the toilet bowl

By Malaysian First, Malaysian Last Malaysia have always been littered with financial scandals since the late 70s and the PKFZ is the latest to haunt the nation again that all is not well with the…

Looking beyond race

Tricia Yeoh ANY right-thinking Malaysian should be increasingly disturbed by recent incidents that are rocking the multiethnic boat. These events coalesce in our minds into one thing: the nation is…

Full block on Malaysia Today?

The block on access to Malaysia Today, now in its fourth day, appears to have reached all Malaysian ISPs Sunday. Action may have been taken on the site itself. One attempt to access the site earlier…

Breaking MCA’s Da Vinci Code

MCA's EGM day on October 10 is also Taiwan's Independence Day. It is Ong Tee Keat's way of showing the middle finger to the reference about the 921 Earthquake. OTK wants MCA liberated…

Is a marriage on the cards?

At one level, Pakatan Rakyat politicians are openly at war with each other but at another, the leaders are planning to commit the parties to a formal coalition.By JOCELINE TAN, The Star