More than just an EGM

By Lee Yuk Peng (The Star)The Oct 10 MCA extraordinary general meeting is more than just about voting on the five resolutions that are being tabled but for the future of the party.

In The Spirit of Eid ul Fitra

It is also incumbent upon leaders to straighten those under them who have strayed or demonstrate a tendency to do so. In releasing this latest batch of ISA detainees, Najib Razak demonstrated…

Southeast Asia’s deep malaise

(Calgary Herald) On the streets of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta last week, dozens of vigilantes armed with sharpened bamboo poles set up barricades and demanded identification from every passing…

OSA to protect PKFZ?

By P. Ramakrishnan (Aliran President)Malaysia is perceived to be one screwed up nation. There is no doubt about it. It is difficult to fathom what is our priority and what we should be concerned…

Selcat inquiry sparks DOs’ revolt

(The Malaysian Insider) SHAH ALAM, Sept 19 - A Selangor district officer has accused state watchdog Selcat of political opportunism and shaming him in an inquiry into misused state allocations,…

Govt admits RPK revealed secrets

Raja Petra’s Malaysia Today website suffered a second day of access problems Saturday, after the Federal Government tacitly admitted that he had indeed revealed Cabinet secrets, and reacted…

Siap sedia awal hadapi Bagan Pinang

(Harakah) - Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar meminta seluruh jentera pilihan raya parti itu bersiap sedia lebih awal untuk menghadapi pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Bagan Pinang pada 11…

Undi pos nafi hak demokratik tentera

(Harakah) - Dolak-dalik Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mempertahankan kaedah undi pos yang begitu dipertikaikan jelas membuktikan bahawa kerajaan yang dikuasai Barisan Nasional tidak menghormati hak…

It’s Both

By batsmanI refer to the article by chedet in which he voices the opinion that it is the people not the institutions when referring to reformation efforts in UMNO. By implication, of course, this…

WAKE UP!! Our Soldiers…

By Anak Sungai DerhakaThe change over of leadership of the Armed Forces recently had come as a surprise to most and to some, it was expected. I have to wait a while to understand why this sudden an…

One People, One Nation…One Soul?

Two years ago, on 25th August 2007 I attended a gathering at what was then called Blog House. This was 7 months before the tsunami of GE12 and a month and a half after Jeannie passed away.

Not all politicians are corrupt

Corruption will persist in Malaysia for as long as the people continue to feed the greed for such money. Shut the hungry mouths and get rid of the feeding hands. Unless we get rid of both, our…

BN infighting is just beginning

The Alliance/BN is the path to power for Umno. It cannot hope to go it alone. At present, the party commands only a third of the seats in Parliament. Its reliance on the Sabahans and Sarawakians is…