PKFZ scandal: Chan bypassed cabinet

(The Sun) Former transport minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy is said to have bypassed the cabinet and sought approvals for projects related to the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) directly from the prime…

‘Makkal Sakthi’ speaks up for BN

(NST) IPOH: Makkal Sakthi (People Power), which was instrumental in turning the tide against Barisan Nasional in Perak in last year's elections, has suddenly come out in support of the BN state…

Addicted to violence

By Wong Chin Huat (The Nut Graph)WE have celebrated Merdeka Day and will usher in Malaysia Day, the real national day, just a week from now. But why are we celebrating the birth of our nation? Indeed,…

ISA needs critical scrutiny

By Shad Saleem Faruqi (The Star)UMNO Youth deserves to be congratulated for joining the widespread call to review the Internal Security Act. The Prime Minister and the Home Minister have shown…

Pakatan, Are You A Bolton or A Man U?

By Simon TemplarWhat is the difference between the teams who win the EPL and those who don't? Glaringly, the likes of United, the Gunners and Chelski play attacking football. They attack and…

LKS’s 108 Questions to OTK

By Hakim Joe From end April until July this year, Lim Kit Siang has taken up the PM’s offer to have Ong Tee Keat answer three questions daily in pertinent to the PKFZ scandal. There were 108…

Malaysiakini Must Be Stopped!

By G. KrishnanWell, well, I’m sure you must be feeling really safe and secure knowing that the Umno regime is doing its utmost to apparently protect us all from the dangerous influence of…

Shooting the messenger

In ancient times, messages were delivered in person by a human envoy. Sometimes, as in war, for example, the messenger was sent from the enemy camp. An easily provoked combatant

Tee Keat braces for his Waterloo

Ong is now fighting for his presidency following the sacking of deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. He also faces law suits from PKFZ’s turnkey contractor Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd and its…

Bagan Pinang pening buat BN

UMNO-BN kini menghadapi dilema ketika memilih calon. Mohd. Isa mungkin tokoh yang berpengaruh di tempatan, tetapi imejnya yang tercalar boleh dijadikan sasaran serangan dari pihak musuh. Lim…