Vote against crime

By John Lee (The Malaysian Insider) SEPT 5 — Yet another by-election is on the way, offering voters another chance to tell Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat just what they think of them. Now,…

Understanding misunderstanding

By Jerome Martin (The Malaysian Insider)SEPT 5 — I’ve figured it out. Yes, I have. The whole problem here is that people are misinformed. Everything is just a misunderstanding.

No strong MCA without a strong UMNO

By Ooi Kee Beng (The Malaysian Insider)SEPT 5 — Undoubtedly, the 60-year-old MCA, just like the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), its senior partner in the ruling Barisan Nasional…

IGP: Planned candlelight vigil illegal

(The Star) PETALING JAYA: A planned candlelight vigil at Dataran Merdeka today to protest the “cow’s head protest” is illegal and action will be taken against its participants, said…

CIJ condemns MCMC censorship

(The Nut Graph) KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Sept 2009: The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) has criticised the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) over its directive to Malaysiakini to…

Moulding the country’s future

By Datuk Abu Bakar Abdullah (The Star) The Defence Ministry will continue to improve the National Service programme, which is designed to develop the country through its youngsters.

Methods of Struggle

By batsman When RPK says that Malaysians are cry babies, the assumption is that we should do something instead of whining and complaining endlessly. Unfortunately, doing something is easier…

Remove cow’s head videos

By Amde SidikThe Star reported, MCMC said there are numerous complaints from public about the videos of cow’s head. Malaysiakini therefore must take the videos off of it website!


Any UMNO politician is fully aware of the risk of being seen to be pandering to the demands of the non-Malay. In short it is a question of an individuals political survival. UMNO is founded on the…