MAS Response to Sarawak Headhunter

By Tan Wai Fong, Head of Media Relations, MAS MAS response to BN's Bullshit On MAS RevealedWe would like to offer clarification pertaining to our Q2 financial results announcement in…

Rationality and Politics

By Farish A. NoorIt would be too difficult and lengthy for us to discuss the import of the term Modernity and what it entails, suffice to say that one of its hallmarks is the primacy it gives to…

Hisham defends cow-head protestors

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider The Home Minister today defended and justified last Friday's cow-head demonstration after meeting with Malay-Muslim representatives of Shah…

Not in the name of Islam, please

In Shah Alam all areas are Malay majority. So does that mean no places of worship of other religions can be built in Shah Alam? Anyway, according to statistics Section 23 have a substantial number of…

The Indonesians are mistaken

The Indonesians accuse Malaysia of stealing their song Terang Bulan and turning it into our national anthem, Negara Ku. The Indonesians are mistaken and should therefore apologise to

Perak State Assembly

By Lim Kit SiangLive updates @limkitsiang 10:58 AM Police used excessive force. Keshvinder was pushed 2 the ground. His head swollen n having fainting spells. Ambulance taking him to hospital.

The cow and the whip

By Hafidz Baharom (The Malaysian Insider)SEPT 2 — The Cow The cow is considered a holy symbol by Hindu worshippers, to the point that if a cow basically sat on a road in India, you’re…