A new script for Malaysia

Except for the change in the cast, the script always revolves around racial hatred, and how one community is a threat to another community’s interest. Thank God, this latest show has not resulted…

Serious flooding in Sarawak

By Hornbill UnleashedWe are not amused! Didn’t BN said (during Sibu by-election) that 7 of 11 mitigation projects in Sibu have been completed? Where has all the money gone to? Read at:…

Sabah and the genesis of frog politicos

By Erna Mahyuni, Free Malaysia Today Malaysians who associate democracy with decency and fair play are still bitter about the coup Umno pulled off in Perak last year. But 15 years before Perak,…

DAP must stand by Ronnie

Ronnie should not resign as an executive councillor, or be punished by his party, in view of the fact that he has been cleared by the state government. To force him to quit or be punished by his…

Do We Want to Be ‘Greater Malaysians’?

 By Kee Thuan Chye, Malaysian Digest Last May, PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim came out with a new catchphrase which was rather compelling.While addressing a PKR-organised dinner at Gelang Patah in Johor,…

MACC “commits suicide”!

When Pornthip maintained that Teoh did not commit suicide – a view which would definitely not sit well with the MACC, Abdul Razak became a spontaneous stand-up comedian! He suggested that Teoh…

Bagini Kesahnya

 Aku meminta maaf jika cerita aku ini tidak masuk akal. Memang pada hari ini memang banyak cerita-cerita yang tidak masuk akal. Ada cerita Lim Guan Eng jadi Agung. Ada cerita kapal terbang boleh…