Ketuanan Melayu?

By From Vehicles to Life Ketuanan Melayu bererti tanah Malaysia ini milik orang Melayu. Tanah ini bukan milik kaum asal atau orang asli. Tanah Malaysia ini milik orang Melayu bukannya milik Cina dan…

Punish the bad, reward the good

By R. Nadeswaran, TheSun THE civil service, rightly or wrongly, has been maligned by various quarters. From the man who cannot get the council to clear the drains to the woman who is still awaiting…

Elegant silence on racism

By The Malaysian Insider AUG 22 — The silence in condemning racism in the country from among the elected leadership is deafening, if not elegant.

End of an era for Barisan?

By Ooi Kee Beng, The Malaysian Insider AUG 23 — More than two years after the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition suffered shock defeats throughout the north of the country, its second-largest…

Not a nice place for Najib up there

By Zainal Epi, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR Najib Tun Razak can only shake his head in dismay as the reports and briefings all paint a very bleak future for the Barisan Nasional.

Racial Politics Still Game Today

Many Malaysians feel threatened by a merits based system simply because they would not be able to compete on a level playing field with others; as even under the present system they have yet to…

Faith Re-Visited

So while it is just silly to question the faith of others, it can actually be quite dangerous to question the belief systems of some people. It is not just the loud obscenities that you get in your…

Remember my piece on Black Ops?

This reminds me of the National Mosque issue of 1999. Umno whacked the opposition for allowing Tian Chua, Gobalakrishnan and other ‘unclean’ non-Muslims to enter the National Mosque. But it

Umarried couples evicted

(AP) - MALAYSIAN Islamic authorities have been evicting unmarried Muslim civil servants from government-owned housing if they are caught with their partners alone in a private place, a news report…

Soi Lek denies questioning NEP

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has denied questioning the New Economic Policy (NEP) at the Chinese Economic Congress (CEC), saying he merely…

The truth: Racism is rife in Malaysia

“It has become so extreme that it is denying Malays and Indians of opportunities in the private sector. Race has always been a priority with the Chinese and the majority of Malays and Indians have…

We need to move on as one nation

As we celebrate National Day on Aug 31, it is also a time for review and reflectionThe country needs leaders who dare to talk about our economic weaknesses, and even excessiveness, which has made…

The web of deceit

Datuk Ramli Yusuff, the head of the CCID, managed to untangle the web of deceit and presented to the prime minister the corporate and organisation chart of Tajuddin Ramli’s holdings and