Teach us to love, not to fear or hate

By Lee Wee Tak Barisan Nasional coalition has ruled the Federation of Malaysia for over 50 years. It has moulded, administered and executed the Constitution, legislation, education system, religious…

Ketuanan Siam

 By John DoeIt hurts, when "fresh news" is exposed in the face of a government hell-bent on creating a delusional History of itself, under the guise of "Nation-Building". Let us start with Museum…

Two donations – a tale of disparities

By Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysian Mirror  It is a shame that no one thought of passing the hat around  to collect money for the Penan fire victims. Or, someone could have proposed  that the money raised…

Perkauman: PAS beri amaran pada MCA

(Harakahdaily) -  “Saya memberi amaran kepada MCA supaya jangan bermain dengan politik perkauman yang sempit untuk meraih semula sokongan Cina yang semakin luntur kepada BN,” kata Timbalan Presiden…

Pornthip rules out suicide

By Neville Spykerman and Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider    SHAH ALAM, Aug 18 — Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand maintained today that she is sure Teoh Beng Hock’s death last year was not…

Police Updates on Facebook?

Screenshot of the facebook posting (Source: Malay Mail) My concern is quite simple really: What the hell is the Chief Police Officer of Selangor broadcasting results of the investigation on his…

Logic cooked to a Tee

By Kee Thuan ChyeThe Mingguan Malaysia columnist Ridhuan Tee Abdullah is a PhD holder, but, judging by his recent assault on Helen Ang for her piece ‘Enforcing NEP…

Wait & Hope

 By steadyaku47 When did it start to go wrong for Najib? With every crisis in UMNO he rolled with the punches. Never getting involved too intimately with any faction within UMNO. Always…

The racial time-bomb is ticking fast!

And, don’t forget the controversial Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or National Civics Bureau courses which Nazri admitted were racist. Those in the alternative coalition Pakatan Rakyat have also claimed…