Poverty: Sabah’s inconvenient truth

By Queville To, Free Malaysia TodayKOTA KINABALU: Debating the question of how much poverty exist in Sabah is as pointless as the government's attempt to "cover up" an "inconvenient truth", says…

Chin: First nuclear plant by 2021

By Bernama Malaysia plans to build two nuclear power plants that will generate 1,000MW each with the first plant ready for operation in 2021 and the second plant a year later, as part of the overall…

Change has to be encouraged

By The Star The Prime Minister has called on civil servants to be brave and make changes to conditions and regulations hindering government plans from being executed effectively.

Who is your real enemy?

MCLM should be seen as an extended arm to assist PR on quality control, audit, candidate sourcing and in return, PR will agree to let those candidates to contest under their flag, mobilize their…

Kita Cinta…

The latest offering is MCLM; typical of overly serious academics and professionals – no fancy names. Now this is the most innovative by far because it’s like a talent search company. By AsamLaksa

Democracy butchered in Malaysian Parliament

By Kim Quek.Malaysian Parliament suffered a fatal blow when the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) illegally and fraudulently suspended top law-makers from the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat…

Taib marries Middle-Easterner

By The Star KUCHING: Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, 74, has found a new love. He married a woman in her early 30s from the Middle East.

Pakatan woos Penang Malays amid polls talk

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider With snap polls looming, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders are wooing Malays in Penang and trying to assure them the state government has not sidelined them…

Pakatan Rakyat – A pile of shit?

By StraightTalkingLately I’ve been reading comments from around the blogs; especially comments in Malaysia Today and I find a disturbing trend. Commenters are beginning to use ugly words to describe…

PKR closes ranks to face BN in polls

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider PETALING JAYA, Dec 18 — PKR announced a new central leadership which the party says combines experience with new blood, amid mounting speculation of a snap…

Does Passion Make a Difference?

By batsman It sounds to me like the MCLM and RPK are under siege. This does not look good to me. This can only mean that Malaysians of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd types are jealously guarding their turf and…

X’mas comes early for Gamuda-MMC

Gamuda-MMC has received an early ‘durian runtuh’ with the government reportedly granting preliminary approval for the consortium to manage a RM36 billion mass rapid transit (MRT) project for the…

Is this the type of AG we want?

The IGP has been kicked out. The AG, however, is still in office. In spite of all his wrongdoings coming to the attention of the public he is still around. See the evidence below where the

MCLM a Radical Revolution

MCLM is generating a lot of hype from both sides of the political divide, the movement was launched by RPK recently and funded by overseas Malaysians from London, draws similarity to the time of…

Are we heading for a crash landing?

The ruling party today seems totally incapable of working with elected, legitimate and legal 'opposition' parties. This only further compounds the nation's political formation and forward strength. …

Asri: Shi’a arrests proof of Talibanisation

By The Malaysian Insider The arrest of Shi’a Muslims by religious authorities in Gombak earlier this week is proof Malaysia is heading towards “an era of Talibanisation”, says a former Perlis mufti.…