The End Of Dinosaur Days

At the end of any age, the ignorance and arrogance of the inhabitants of that particular society will prove to be its ultimate downfall. By Delimma

Confession of a Malaysian

We have lost the ability to see real threats, because we have become accustomed to seeing threats in everyone that does not look or think like "us".   We play into the hands of those that…

Supposed ‘hero’ vs a ‘true hero’

By Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysian Mirror The former chief of Bukit Bendera Umno, Ahmad Ismail, was honoured with titles and proclaimed a ‘Malay hero’. He was conferred two heroic titles:…

DAP: Stop the dam constructions

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: Sarawak DAP wants an immediate halt to the construction of 11 dams in the state as only companies belonging to Chief Minster Abdul Taib Mahmud’s family…

Beng Hock’s real new note

By Kee Thuan Chye, Free Malaysia TodayMy fellow Malaysians,I am writing this note to absolve the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission of any involvement in my death on July 16, 2009. This is…

Drama Ends Predictably!!

By Masterwordsmith Just a while ago, Hafiz Yatim reported in Malaysiakini that Bung Mokhtar's jail sentence has been set aside. Are you surprised or did you expect this right from the beginning?

Tun Mahathir Mudah Lupa

Tun Mahathir sudah lupa bahawa jutawan-jutawan Cina hampir kesemunnya wujud pada zaman pemerintahan beliau. Jika cina-cina jutawan dikayakan oleh kamu sendiri maka isu Cina kaya dan Melayu miskin…

We’re not Malay

Of late this Wira Perkasa started to include the Bumiputra, bearing in mind the term Bumiputra is only widely used in Sabah and Sarawak. Sabahans shouldn’t be ashamed to protest. By Amde Sidik

Enough is enough of Little Napoleons

By Thomas Lee Seng Hock, MySinchew It surely comes as a big surprise that less than two weeks after the cabinet lifted the iniquitous illegal curb on non-Muslim religious clubs and societies that a…

Sarawak ‘running a high fever’

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia TodayKUCHING: The primary healthcare infrastructure in Sarawak is in poor shape, with many clinics unable to accommodate the large influx of patients. Sarawak PKR…

‘Bar Council is becoming toothless’

By Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia TodayKUALA LUMPUR: The Bar Council has been described as "toothless" for its failure to effectively voice out against injustice and to take care of the welfare of…