Yayasan Pok Rafeah strikes again

They say that one-time Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin is a big fish who goes for multi-billion dollar deals.  Actually that is not true. He also goes for homes of old ladies and throws

The Distracting Bilateral Issue of Maids

I am surprised at the high level of engagement in this maid issue. If only a similar commitment were made in luring foreign academics and skilled workers, imagine the good it would do to Malaysia!…

Of Pink Ladies and Garbaged Babies

What exactly is the message our politicians are ramming into the pristine minds of our kids – SEX and immorality is OK.  More is just not enough.By Pink Panther (Not to be confused with Malaysia…

Are you at home, minister?

If a minister can be like that, talk like that, make impulsive statements and later deny their import, even sincerity, then he has no business being a trusted official of the nation and its people.…

Say no to holier-than-thou politics

By uppercaise Logic and politics make for strange bedfellows especially when it involves race relations, religion and politics in Malaysia. DAP leader Lim Guan Eng certainly sounded like he’d lost…

Duit, Duit, Duit! Itu Cina Punya Style!

By batsman  It may be a coincidence or it may be a new campaign, but I heard the above said very loudly for all to hear in a very public place a few days ago and again in another very public place…

Penan issue riddled with misconception

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: Land Development Minister James Masing has accused NGOs of getting their information based on gossips and third rate information.“That is why we want to…

Will Project 1805 be stillborn?

I had hoped that through Project 1805, we might begin to redeem ourselves for our past apathy in allowing so many deaths in custody to have occurred without calling the authorities to account for…