DAP in a quandary

If the Selangor state government does not rectify itself and take action against the black sheep, the BN will sure continue to play up the issue. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)…

Speakers blame NEP vestiges

They result in slow development, symposium told Amcham president Datuk Nicholas Zefferys summed up the system of preferences given to bumiputra companies, oligopolies, cartels, price controls and…

Sometimes we need reminding

Melayu mudah lupa, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Indeed, not only Melayu but all Malaysians mudah lupa (forget easily). Remember what happened to the Prosecution’s ‘star witness’ in the

DPM warns MCA over ‘Allah’ appeal

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider PUTRAJAYA, Aug 3 — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin gave a stern warning today to MCA over its appeal for the government to rescind the ban on…

Let the Thrill-Ling Show Begin!

By Martin Jalleh Bolehland’s economy is bucklingFDIs are drastically a-tumbling.The impact of corruption is cripplingThe brain drain numbers are appalling.

Bila Mat Ezam Rekrut Allah Saya Serender

Awalnya saya langsung tidak kenal siapa dia Ezam Mat Nor ini. Malah saya tidak ambil pot sangat apa kerja dan tugas dia. Untuk saya sesiapa yang bekerja untuk United Malays National Organisation ini…

Abolish the ISA and all oppressive laws

By Thomas Lee Seng Hock, MySinchew However, over the years, the ISA has evolved to become a harsh tyrannical law to curb political dissension and to silence the critics of the ruling party. It has,…

UMNO Bashing!

We need strong leadership to lead Malaysia out of its misery. Is Pakatan Rakyat strong enough? UMNO desperately wants to retire and call it a day. But UMNO is not going to let a weak Pakatan Rakyat…

Merdekakan Malaysia Kali Ke-2

Oleh From Vehicles to Life Sempena bulan kemerdekaan buat Semenanjung Malaysia yang ke-53, aku nak berbicara mengenai betapa pentingnya kita merdekakan Malaysia buat kali ke-2. Siapa penjajah kita…

Only this will work for Malaysia?

By J. D. LovrenciearGiven the current raging battles for political survival in Malaysia and the rising tides and bouts of citizens' outcry, let alone the criticisms levelled by concerned foreign…

Harrison Ngau held at Kuching airport

By Bruno Manser Fund Harrison Ngau, the highly-respected lawyer and native rights advocate from Sarawak, has today been held by the police at Kuching airport and told he was "under the government’s…