Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia should resign

By Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysian Mirror There is no precedent of a speaker being removed against his will, so should the current Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, Pandikar Amin Mulia, be asked to resign over…

Singapore redefines braggadocio

By Tunku Abdul Aziz, The Malaysian Insider FOUR years ago, on 18 October 2006, I wrote an opinion piece from my 30th floor office in the UN Secretariat, New York, for the New Sunday Times. The title,…

Malaysian apathy leads to health decline

By Bernama The higher dengue death toll, and the emergence of leptospirosis this year brought to the fore the apathy of Malaysians to personal hygiene and cleanliness in their home and surroundings.…

Karpal: Suspension unlawful

By Zuhrin Azam Ahmad, The Malaysian Insider Suspended MP Karpal Singh said the decision against him and three others has effectively stopped them from performing duties related to being elected…

Pakatan undecided over snap polls moves

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider As Pakatan Rakyat (PR) heads to its convention this weekend, the pact remains undecided over whether the four state assemblies under its control should be…

Sarawak CM marries a Lebanese

By The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 18 — As speculation mounts over Sarawak’s polls, state Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud has instead gone ahead to marry a Lebanese, believed to be…

Tenang, a litmus test for BN and Pakatan

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat  have a critical battle when they face off in the Tenang by-election, the first in Johor, with pressure more on…

Is BN guilty of criminal negligence?

The BN has failed to explain the Constitution and the so-called Social Contract to the people, says Hishamuddin Yahaya.  Hishamuddin Yahaya: It’s either do away with race-based political parties or…

Pakatan Rakyat: Accord or discord?

On the surface, it looks tough for PR to maintain the level of support generated in the 2008 general election, especially with the problems besetting "paramount leader" Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. …

Pure Puppetry in Parliament

The suspending of Anwar and the three prominent MPs from Parliament can only be seen as the pinnacle of Umno’s arrogance. It also reflects very poorly on the PM who has been promising radical and…

200 Syiah Followers Detained by JAIS

(Malaysian Digest) - 200 Syiah followers were detained by the Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS) in a raid at a shop house in Sri Gombak last night with two of its Iranian leaders being brought to…

Chaos in Dewan Rakyat

In addition, MPs votes fully based on the stands of their political parties. If the BN supports a motion, the Pakatan Rakyat will definitely oppose it and vice versa. How the MPs going to defend the…

Bloggers Under Fire

By William FisherLast April, writer and historian Barbara Goldsmith announced that Nay Phone Latt was the winner of the 2010 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith “Freedom to Write” award, which honors…

Care To Join Me For A Ride?

In another 47 years Malaysia will celebrate its Centennial. Most of us who are reading this article would be gone; some long gone. For those who are still around, what kind of country would…

The debate on pluralism

By Thomas Lee (Sin Chew) Over the last few days, a controversy has been brewing over a statement by the Institute of Islamic Understanding (Ikim) that Islam considers that not all religions are…

Parliament is Inflicted by Perak Disease

The august house will now be inflicted by the Perak disease which has brought chaos to all sittings so far. Imagine what can a day long state assembly sitting can do to a healthy debate on…

Getting our history right

By Terence Fernandez, The Sun SO HISTORY is current again. This time, the barrage of criticism comes from respected historians and authors who gave a first-hand account on how the content of history…

Let’s depend more on our own workers

By The Sun FINALLY it is beginning to dawn on us that we actually need the foreign workers that many of us have been complaining about and who some of us have occasionally abused. The sector that…