Who let the dogs out?

The People's ParliamentYesterday evening, I got a call to say someone in Putrajaya had lodged a police report against me, supposedly in relation to public statements i have made about 1,805 lives…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #24

Clifford rightly zeroed in on Korea’s weakness: corruption being the way of life from Rhee’s time till today. Corruption is inevitable whenever the state is very powerful and heavily involved in the…

A President, a Queen and two PMs

According to The Nut Graph HERE, studies by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development that reveal that Malaysia has the highest civil servants-to-population ratio in the Asia…

Anger over ban on ‘devil’ shirts

(AFP) - MANCHESTER United's fans in Malaysia erupted in astonishment and anger on social media on Thursday after clerics warned Muslims against wearing the team's famous jersey with its 'devil'…

Price hikes can make a country sick

By Free Malaysia TodayEveryone has the right to know what is good for them. But the prime minister of Malaysia wants to operate deep down the bunker where plans are forged on the anvil of secrecy.…

Peguam Bala serah SPRM afidavit petang ini

Oleh G. Manimaran, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Julai — Detektif persendirian P. Balasubramaniam akan menyerahkan afidavit, menjawab 52 soalan berkaitan maklumat terbaru kes pembunuhan…

MACC ends probes into Liow, Ong and Khalid

By Alyaa Alhadjri. theSun  KUALA LUMPUR (July 21, 2010): The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Council (MACC) has closed investigations into three graft allegations involving health minister Datuk Seri Liow…

LGE :Hantu pun dia, manusia pun dia

In a press conference at Dewan Sri Pinang on 14 July 2010, Chief Minister described UMNO as 'Hantu pun dia, manusia pun dia' because he said on one hand, UMNO is portraying themselves as saviour of…

Malaysian police grill RBA contact

(The Age) THE police inquiry into alleged bribery by Reserve Bank of Australia subsidiaries has had a major breakthrough, with an overseas witness providing details about alleged kickbacks to…

Peguam Kian Diancam

By Loyarburok Tahun yang lalu 5 orang peguam ditahan kerana “berkumpul secara haram” setelah dinafikan peluang untuk berjumpa dengan anak guam. Minggu lalu Suruhanjaya Sekuriti cuba menjadikan…

Ketua Audit Negara Berbohong

(Sabahkini) KETUA Audit Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato' Setia Haji Ambrin Bin Buang, didakwa berbohong kepada rakyat Sabah dengan mengeluarkan Sijil Pengesahan Audit Palsu berhubung kedudukan…

Correction and Apology

What is the Chief Minister’s Official Salary? Sarawak Report has had its attention drawn to an inaccuracy regarding its reporting of the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud’s, official salary.  For…

Yang miskin subsidi yang kaya

Pada hakikatnya, "sudsidi" yang mampu dibiayai kerajaan sekian lama ini, bertukar menjadi dosa yang dituding jari selepas kenyataan "bankrap" oleh Idris Jala, Menteri Jabatan Perdana Menteri.  Jika…

Malaysia intolerant of dissent

(Reuters) - MALAYSIA arrested nearly 1,000 anti-government protestors in 2009, signalling 'heightened intolerance', an influential and independent human rights group said on Wednesday.