Melayu hilang kuasa pada PRU-13?

HARUSSANI Zakaria (kanan) bersama Hilmi Ismail ketika sidang akhbar pada Perhimpunan Melayu Perak 2010 di Ipoh, semalam. (Utusan Malaysia) - Orang Melayu akan hilang kuasa pada Pilihan Raya Umum…

Ku Li’s views draw Khairy’s ire

By Adib Zalkapi, The Malaysian InsiderUmno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today rejected Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s views that Perkasa’s success was driven by the Youth wing’s disinterest…

How can we ever forget?

Shortly after 8p.m., my friend Susan picked me up. An expert driver, she wove her way through shortcuts and soon we were along the coastal highway. To our surprise, there was a massive jam and we…

Storm brewing beneath the surface

Division committee members, for one, are angry because their rice bowls are getting empty. This is understandable since they are mostly small-time contractors and businessmen. They feel that…

The unkindest cut for the poor

By Thomas Lee, MySinchew The decision by the federal government to increase the prices of sugar, gas and petrol as the first step of its gradual subsidy rationalisation programme is sure to irk the…

DAP vows to fight on for Teoh

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 17 — The DAP last night reaffirmed their commitment to uncovering the truth behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock, who died exactly one year…

Benarkah negara kita aman dan selamat?

Aspan AliasBetul kah apa yang kita anggapkan yang kehidupan rakyat dalam negara kita ini adalah kehidupan yang benar-benar selamat? Setakat ini belum ada sesiapa yang memberikan definasi ‘selamat’…

Subsidy cuts will slash votes for BN

By Ken Vin Lek, Free Malaysia TodayKUALA LUMPUR: The subsidy cuts which came into effect at the stroke of midnight could court serious political implications for Barisan Nasional, warned academic…