Tan’s challenge to Najib’s Felda

Assets, what are the assets? Don't forget: if tomorrow India doesn't want to buy your palm oil, you've got no cash flow. How are you going to run the company? And also loans from EPF. Felda is so…

‘Get rid of Nazri,’ says Ibrahim Ali

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — Datuk Ibrahim Ali traded verbal blows with Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz over his jibe against Perkasa, saying that it was the minister who…

Oh yeah? Then come get me!

  The utility of a properly managed system of informers is recognised throughout the common law world. As long as crimes are committed, informers have a role to play in their

‘Get rid of Perkasa,’ says Nazri

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — The Barisan Nasional issued a clear signal today of its disassociation from Perkasa when Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz declared that…

Jokers Without Any Sense of Humor

Zunar was equally tough on all our leaders.  Not so the reactions of his subjects.  I am certain that both Mahathir and Abdullah were none too pleased to be so unflatteringly caricatured and…

Harakah Given Another Show-Cause Letter

By Bernama PUTRAJAYA: The Home Ministry today gave the PAS party organ, Harakah, seven days to reply to its show-cause letter on the publication and distribution of the newspaper of which the permit…

Relevancy and the UMNO Legacy

UMNO always argue about the past, about what it had done, but promise little as to what it is going to do for Malays, Malaysians and the country in future. By Delimma

Bala surfaces in London and Paris

Interestingly, one of the people who 'persuaded' Bala to release SD2 was the younger brother of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who during a meeting near The Curve in Damansara said, "If you…

RPK jangan ingat selamat di UK…

(Berita Harian) - Beberapa foto disiarkan akhbar tempatan baru-baru ini menunjukkan aksi Raja Petra Kamarudin atau RPK dalam sebuah kediaman yang boleh dianggap mewah berpandukan hiasan dalaman dan…

Is the MCA relevant?

Any party with a morally soiled leader at the top, accompanied by other foolish leaders with weird and bizarre ideas like the proposal to set up a Perkasa-type Chinese group, and the endorsement of…

French cops to question PI Bala

PI Bala with lawyer Manjeet and financier RPK By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian InsiderPrivate investigator P. Balasubramaniam will be the first Malaysian witness summoned by French…