Boy Racer for Chief Minister?

Bugatti buy-out planSulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib wanted to buy out Bugatti, makers of the world’s most expensive cars, to add to the family’s ‘hundred  businesses’, according to one of his close…

Fascism: Zaid’s Stinging Zinger

by G. Krishnan  Zaid Ibrahim was recently quoted as describing Malaysia at risk of becoming a fascist state. Perhaps you too came across the report about his remarks? Well just in case you missed…

Kit Siang demands report on MACC

The MACC was formed when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister and has been much criticised by opposition politicians and civil society. It is widely perceived to be subservient to the Barisan…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #22

Argentina is also a tragic reminder that nations do not prosper simply because they have been blessed with abundant natural resources.  Indeed through human greed, extravagance, and folly such…

To win in Sabah, PM must compromise

By Free Malaysia Today KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may not be able to solve all of Sabah's problems with the federal government. But at least he should compromise and tackle the…

Zaid Ibrahim: You have been warned

Are Malaysians afraid? Does their apparent apathy, or fear, stem from real concerns about the threat of the ISA? Surely the least they could do was to vote for change or be more vocal, for a…

‘History lost us Batu Puteh’

 “Malaysia didn't lose PBP because we had weaker arguments or insufficient evidence to support our case,” he said. “We lost because the court held the view that certain non-erasable facts of…

Assault at Sunway Lagoon

Tourist terrorised in vicious racial assault by 6 men on premises of Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Malaysia while staff security guards look on.By

Defense Expenditure: Poles Apart

By Masterwordsmith Singapore, our nearest neighbour with a population of 5.1 million (3.2 million) excluding foreigners, enjoys a per capita income of more than USD 37,293. In sharp contrast,…

Political Parties as Psychopaths

Our internals are abusive, rotten and corrupt while we try to project an image of civilized behaviour and fair play externally in our foreign relations. Foreign friends may be fooled, but citizens…

Do we have to wait till death?

The heroes always get killed before the people awake. It seems that evil always get their way first before it is overthrown by good. Will this happen to RPK or PI Bala? By ViewAct