PI Bala: Razak Baginda is innocent

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider LONDON, July 7 – Private detective P. Balasubramaniam today dropped a bombshell by insisting that his former client Abdul Razak Baginda was not involved in the…

Malaysia’s Najib and the Crony Culture

Malaysians were kept in the dark this year as Vincent Tan, invoking an unpublicized agreement negotiated with the government decades ago, geared up to begin accepting bets on the World Cup in South…

The Penans suffer in silence

By Ken Vin Lek, Free Malaysia Today  ULU BARAM: The indigenous people known as Penans who inhabit this remote area in Sarawak have been subjected to sexual abuse by foreign labour (notably loggers),…

PM: Felda is a prudent investor

(BERNAMA) SLIM RIVER: Felda is a successful institution which has undertaken prudent investment for the well-being of the people but has been accused of being bankrupt by those who are bankrupt of…

Hisham talks some sense about RPK

Later this evening, a press conference by Bala and his lawyers will be held at 11am GMT in London (7pm MYT) to talk about “the two statutory declarations that he signed and his role in the…

Anwar Didakwa Dalang Sembunyi Raja Petra

"Buktinya (tindakan Anwar) adalah amat jelas. Rakyat perlu sedar tentang sikap berdolak-dalik dan pembohongan yang dilakukan oleh beliau, yang telah menyebabkan perpecahan dan keretakan di kalangan…

Utusan dah start dah….

Usahlah kita kata Petra itu tidak boleh dipercayai, atau boleh percaya tetapi 40% sahaja. Sanggupkah Kerajaan mengadakan Siasatan Terbuka  untuk menentukan betul atau salah Petra dan Bala ini?  By…