DPM: Help all, not just a single race

(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: The people want Barisan Nasional to fight for all Malaysians and not just the Malays alone. "We should no longer fight for our own race like what we did some 50 years ago where…

Is this news for real? Check!

The report OVER HERE shows that Japan is no 8 (2009-2010) up ONE place from no 9 (2008-2009). That means Japan is 16 places AHEAD of Malaysia!!I wonder which statistics our PM was referring to…

Fishy Venture for Meat Production

Does the name Majuternak sound familiar anyone? Or Pahangbif/Darabif perhaps? For those who do not remember, these are colossal projects set up by the government for the same purpose as what was…

Grand Plan or Grand Illusion?

If Najib sincerely wants his dream of Malaysia becoming a great nation to be realized, he must first of all deactivate this racial time-bomb and immediately nip the rousing racist campaign in the…

Pakatan mampu gegar Putrajaya

(Harakahdaily) - PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat diyakini mampu melangkah ke Putrajaya sekiranya gerakan daftar pemilih dapat diperkemaskan dengan kewujudan unit pendaftaran pengundi (UPP) secara lebih…

A gentleman knows when to cut losses

If the company screws up, the board must take responsibility and quit. Good corporate governance and accountability should prevail. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who has asked for shared responsibility,…

How can we become another Greece?

We have to admit that our tax structure still has a way to go before we can be forced to turn into a nation of tax evaders like Greece. But with the rolling out of the GST, and hopefully many more…

Drop overseas scholarships

By Zainul Arifin (NST) THE annual national heartache on scholarships and places in universities is getting to be more predictable than the monsoon, which these days is rather erratic considering…

Greater KL and the Myth of Development

To pave the path to success is not easy, to walk it even harder. The government has a lot of strategizing to do, a whole lot more of explanation to give to the people and ultimately, a short period…

Taib: Bumiputera will still vote for BN

(FMT) SIBU: Bumiputera will still strongly support the Barisan Nasional in the next state election which must be held before May next year, Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud said today.

10MP fails to impress economists

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR: The 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) yesterday came under scrutiny of three economists who lauded its acknowledgment of the country's stumbling…

New Scandal? More Burden For Rakyat?

Syed Akbar AliFolks I just heard this from the president of a well known consumer association in Subang Jaya. Changes are being proposed to the Road Transportation Act (the Pengangkutan thingy)…