WikiLeaks storm hits Malaysian Shores

As for spinning by the main stream media, the Star in a front page story today (Dec 13) said that Singapore officials “supported a conclusion by the Australian intelligence agency on the Sodomy II…

The MCLM Public Forum in London

You can view the organizational structure of the MCLM at THIS LINK. Before you make a decision to join the MCLM, you might want to view their Constitution which is available HERE. Membership…

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #44

Had I been growing up in Malaysia today, I would probably end up as a menacing Mat Rempit, harassing motorists on our highways. Thanks to the British colonial for building an English school in my…

Correcting bad press overseas

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun KARTIKA Sari Dewi Sukarno may not know it, but she’s the image of Malaysia in many countries. She may have been a model, but for a few months, she had some claim to fame…

History textbooks biased, say writers

By Zakiah Koya, The Sun History textbooks are biased and littered with errors, claim two authors and academicians. Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi and Ng How Kuen, who writes history textbooks for Chinese…

After GE13, a hung Parliament, says RPK

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Influential blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has predicted that Malaysia will go Britain’s way in the coming general election, widely speculated to be held in the…

The cesspool of Sarawak politics

Sim Kwang Yang Once again Sarawak’s name is on everybody’s lips as the state is poised to confront her 11th parliamentary and 10th state elections. But unlike previous occasions, the outcome of…

Singapore’s WikiLeaks Gaffes

Oz papers find top Foreign Affairs ministry officials trashing the neighbors ''A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia,'' Kausikan told US Deputy Secretary of Defence for…

MCLM Forum LIVE from London

12th Dec 2010 from 13.00hrs - 15.00 hrs GMT (21.00hrs - 23.00hrs Malaysian local time) @ The Function Room, Holiday Villa Hotel, 35-37 Leinster Gardens, London  W2 3AN TO SEE IT LIVE GO TO THE…

Anwar – Damage Control Needed!

By now, many of us would have read Caught in political sex trap by Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie of The Sydney Morning Herald and/or Jabahar Sadiq's article in TMI on WikiLeaks reveals Anwar…

Muhyiddin, you have lost the plot

Using your own logic, what are those people who voted for your party in the last elections going to feel because they are caught in a constituency in which the opposition candidate

Najib says Felda still worth billions

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian InsiderDatuk Seri Najib Razak moved today to quell speculation that Felda was in financial trouble, saying the land agency was “rich” and not bankrupt.

Support MACC in anti-graft fight

By Wong Chun Wai, The Star The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission cannot carry out its work effectively without strong political will and public support.